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Sold between 10 December & 1 October 2009
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Ray Harrod
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1 October 2009
Lot No 1277
One Pound (33), all 1967-70, including L91Z, M47R, E61Y, K55Z, M38N, T01B (4), X02C, W85D, R46M, S42M, R83B, R16L and U17E prefixes (Dugg. B301-7) [33]. M38N very fine, others mostly extremely fine or better £80-100
Lot No 1278
One Pound, 1967-70, T01M 124880 (Dugg. B306). Lightly pressed, otherwise very fine to good very fine £80-100
Lot No 1279
One Pound (2), both 1967-70, U01M 799029, N10M 199491 (Dugg. B306, 308) [2]. First fine, second good very fine £60-80
Lot No 1280
Ten Shillings (7), A01N 893201, 38S, B95N, C06N, D28N and M76 (2) prefixes (Dugg. B309-11) [7]. First good very fine, others mostly good extremely fine or better £60-80
Lot No 1281
Five Pounds (5), all 1967-70, R91, M21, 20A and 66C prefixes, 10M 112866; Ten Pounds, A62 prefix (Dugg. B312-16) [6]. Second with pinholes and number each side, fine, others good very fine to extremely fine £80-100
Lot No 1282
Twenty Pounds, 1970, A03 103682 (Dugg. B318). Good very fine £60-80
Lot No 1283
Twenty Pounds, 1970, M01 173194 (Dugg. B319). Very fine to good very fine £80-100
Lot No 1284
One Pound (27), all 1970-8, including R60M, S81M, W24M, X07M, MR07, MS15, MS54, MS59, MT09, MU15 and MW18 replacement prefixes; One Pound (12), all 1978-80, various prefixes (Dugg. B320-3, 337, 339, 340) [39]. Extremely fine to uncirculated £80-100
Lot No 1285
Five Pounds (3), all 1970-1, 56C and 15E prefixes, 11M 568674 replacement; Ten Pounds (3), all 1970-5, C39 prefix, M01 899554, M07 497747 replacements (Dugg. B324-7) [6]. Third extremely fine, others good very fine or better £80-100
Lot No 1286
Twenty Pounds (2), both 1970-80, A36 297455, M03 363676 replacement (Dugg. B328-9) [2]. First good extremely fine, second good very fine £80-100
Lot No 1287
Ten Pounds (4), all 1975-80, A33, B47 and R05 prefixes, M11 replacement (Dugg. B330-1) [4]. Last about uncirculated, others extremely fine or better £80-100
Lot No 1288
Five Pounds (10), all 1973-80, E21, 60U, 87K, AY24, BX67, BU79, CN01 and EZ56 prefixes, M04 and 01M replacements (Dugg. B332-6) [10]. M04 good extremely fine, 01M good fine, others good very fine to uncirculated £150-180
Lot No 1289
One Pound, 1978-80, M01 589909 replacement (Dugg. B338). Good very fine £80-100
Lot No 1290
One Pound, 1978-80, 81E 905348 (Dugg. B339a). Very fine £80-100
Lot No 1291
One Pound (18), all 1980-4, various prefixes; Five Pounds (10), all 1980-8, DZ01, EX37, HT52, JY35, KW01, LU01, LZ85, NC78, RA12 and RB10 prefixes; Ten Pounds (8), all 1980-8, X01, 54D, 01L, AU01, CN01, CU64, CZ01 and DN01 prefixes (Dugg. B341, 343, 345-9) [36]. Mostly extremely fine or better £200-250
Lot No 1292
Twenty Pounds (3), 1981-4, E21 973669; 1984-8 (2), 16A 809886, 04E 135853 (Dugg B350, 351) [3]. Second about extremely fine, others about uncirculated £120-150
Lot No 1293
Fifty Pounds, 1981, A11 726961 (Dugg. B352). Extremely fine £80-100
Lot No 1294
Five Pounds (4), all 1988-90, RH45, SA20 and SE34 (2) prefixes; Ten Pounds (5), all 1988-90, DX01, DZ48, EU80, HR84 and JR17 prefixes; Twenty Pounds, 1988-90, 49W prefix; Fifty Pounds, 1988-90, D46 prefix (Dugg. B353-6) [11]. The Ten Pounds DX01, Twenty and Fifty Pounds good very fine to about extremely fine,...
Lot No 1295
Fifty Pounds, 1988-91, E25 926386 (Dugg. B356). Good extremely fine to about uncirculated £120-150
Lot No 1296
Five Pounds (2), both 1990-1, A01 and A18 prefixes; Twenty Pounds (2), both 1991, A01 and A11 prefixes (Dugg. B357-8) [4]. Third about uncirculated, others about extremely fine or better £60-80
Lot No 1297
Ten Pounds, 1991, KR01 prefix; Fifty Pounds, 1991, E01 706955 (Dugg. B360-1) [2]. First good very fine, second uncirculated £80-100
Lot No 1298
Five Pounds (9), all 1991-8, S87, AA14, AE66, BA01, CC51, CD21, DB31 and DC02 prefixes, LL20 replacement (Dugg. B362-5) [9]. Last about uncirculated, others mostly good extremely fine or better £80-100
Lot No 1299
Five Pounds, 1991-3, R76 prefix; Ten Pounds (3), all 1992-9, A04, DD05 and KK69 prefixes; Twenty Pounds (3), T47, Y70 and CA32 prefixes; Fifty Pounds (2), A49 and L21 prefixes (Dugg. B362, 366, 369, 371, 374-5, 377) [9]. Good very fine or better £220-250
Lot No 1300
Five Pounds 1993-9, LL06 prefix; Ten Pounds, LL27 prefix; Twenty Pounds (3), M27, M28 and LL18 prefixes; Fifty Pounds, LL12 prefix, all replacements (Dugg. B365, 370, 373, 376, 379) [6]. Second about extremely fine, others very fine and better £180-220
Lot No 1301
Ten Pounds (7), all 1992-3, A01 (3), X16 and Y96 prefixes, Z90 experimental, M01 replacement (Dugg. B366-8) [7]. Y96 very fine, others good extremely fine to uncirculated £120-150
Lot No 1302
Ten Pounds (6), all 1993-8, DC03, DD01, EL31, HA52, JJ01 and KK74 prefixes; Twenty Pounds (3), all 1991-3, Z35 experimental, X01 and X58 prefixes (Dugg. B368, 371-2) [9]. EL31, KK74 and Z35 good very fine, others about uncirculated or better £150-180
Lot No 1303
Twenty Pounds (3), all 1994-9, AA01 330240, AH66 and BB01 prefixes (Dugg. B375) [3]. First about uncirculated, others uncirculated £120-150
Lot No 1304
Fifty Pounds, 1994-9, M99 966044 (Dugg. B378). Good very fine to about extremely fine £80-100
Lot No 1305
Five Pounds (8), all 1999-2002, CL31, CL41, EA73 and EJ44 prefixes, QM10 010306, YR20 000169 with certificate, LL14 and LL25 replacements (Dugg. B380-1, C149) [8]. Mostly extremely fine to uncirculated £60-80
Lot No 1306
Ten Pounds (4), all 1999-2000, KL01, KL77, LA26 and LL33 prefixes (Dugg. B382-3). [4]. First and last good extremely fine or better, others good very fine to extremely fine £80-100
Lot No 1307
Twenty Pounds (3), all 1999, DA46 991872, Faraday reverse, DA24 841440, Elgar reverse, AL20 prefix; Fifty Pounds, 1999, K30 prefix (Dugg. B384-6) [4]. Second about extremely fine, others very fine to good very fine £120-150
Lot No 1308
Fifty Pounds, 1999-2004, J01 000768 (Dugg. B385). Uncirculated £90-120
Lot No 1309
Twenty Pounds (9), all 1999-2004, AA01 (2), AA72, CJ59, DB72, DE40 and DE76 prefixes, LL03 and LL08 replacements (Dugg. B386-7) [9]. Good very fine to uncirculated £200-250
Lot No 1310
Ten Pounds (14), all 2000-4, AA01 005671, AH60, AH67, EL05, EL07, EL14, EL16, EL17, EL19, EL20, EL29 and EL33 prefixes, LL18 and LL21 replacements (Dugg. B388-9) [14]. First uncirculated, others mostly good very fine to extremely fine, some better £180-220
Lot No 1311
Ten Pounds (9), all 2000-4 corrected version, AA01 999695, AJ, BA01, CA19, EL01, EL24, EL27 and EL36 (2) prefixes (Dugg. B390) [9]. First uncirculated, others mostly extremely fine or better £120-150
Lot No 1312
Ten Pounds (9), all 2000-4 corrected version, AJ01, BA04, CC39 and CC40 prefixes, LL03, LL09 and LL24 replacements; Ten Pounds, 2004, MM28 997448, experimental issue (Dugg. B390-2) [8]. LL03 about uncirculated, MM28 about extremely fine, others very fine and better £120-150
Lot No 1313
Five Pounds (28), all 2002-4, HA01 (4, including 000302), HA58, HA80 (5), DL18, DL29 (5), HB01, HB31 numbers almost rubbed out, JA01 (4), JA11 with right serial rubbed out and JA13 prefixes, LL47, LL85 (2) and LL90 replacements (Dugg. B393-4). [28] Mostly uncirculated £150-200
Lot No 1314
Five Pounds (30), all 2002-4, DL (4), HC (2), HD (3), HE (4), HH, HJ (3), EL( 2), JA (2) and JB prefixes, LL48, LL51, LL54, LL70 and LL79 replacements, XA09, XE20 and XK23 experimentals (Dugg. B395-7) [30]. Good very fine to uncirculated £180-220
Lot No 1315
Five Pounds (6), all 2004+, JB61, JC34, JD54, JE28 and EL09 prefixes, LL59 replacement; Ten Pounds (12), all 2004+, CC62, CD24, CD40, CE55, CH41, DH78, EA30, EL42, EL57, EL64 and EL72 prefixes, LL33 replacement (Dugg. B398-401) [18]. Good very fine to extremely fine, some better £180-220
Lot No 1316
Twenty Pounds (11), all 2004+, DE41, DE48, DH09, DK16, ED14, EE15, BL09 (2) and BL29 prefixes, LL25 and LL33 replacements (Dugg. B402-3) [11]. Very fine to extremely fine, some better £250-280
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