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Meritorious Service Medal Groups from the Collection of Ian McInnes

Ian McInnes

Meritorious Service Medal Groups from the Collection of Ian McInnes

Ian McInnes

Ian McInnes was born in 1937 and served in the Royal Air Force from 1956-58. Afterwards, until retirement, he was the marketing manager of a large retail chain. He remains prominent in local affairs, serving as Metropolitan Councillor and as a J.P. Much of his time is now taken up with Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline, with his wife Alma, in England, Wales and Belarus.

Initially a coin collecotr, he purchased his first medals in the late 1960s, joining the ORders and Medals Research Society. In 2001 he was presented with the Society’s coveted Award of Merit in gold, for his contribution to the ideals of the OMRS.

For many year he has specialised in collecting and researching significant Meritorious Service Medal groups and at one time wrote regular columns for Medal News, Fighting Forces and Military Chest.

His previous are Meritorious Service to Naval Forces (1983); Meritorious Service Medals to Aerial Forces (1984); a Contemptible Little Flying Corps (1991), reprinted in 2002; The Meritorious Service Medal - Immediate Awards 1916-1928 (1992), reprinted 2002; Cotton Town Comrades (1993); The Annuity Meritorious Service Medal 1847-1952 (1995); The Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1830-1848 (1995); The Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1830-1848 (1995), First Supplement (1999) and the Annuity Meritorious Service Medal 1847-1953, First Supplement (2000).

In preparation are Long and Meritorious Service in the Royal Malta Artillery 1851-1940 and Bute of the Beagle the story of Colour-Sergeant J. A. Bute, a Royal Marine who served on board the Beagle between 1831-36, with Charles Darwin.

Due to be published imminently is the Yeoman of the Guard, including the Body of the Yeoman Warders f the Tower of Lonodn and members of Sovereign’s Body Guard (Extraordinary) 1823-1903, a substantial work incorporating many portrait photographs.

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