Special Collections
17th Century Tokens, Castle Hedingham, Thomas Hewes, Farthings (2, different dies), 1.01g/6h (N 1293; Judson 205a), 0.54g/9h (N 1295; BW. 205); Clement Pask, Farthing, 1.43g/6h (N 1296; BW. 206); John Unwin, Farthings (2, different rev. dies), 0.59g/12h (N 1298; Judson/BW. 207), 0.54g/12h (N 1299; Judson –); Robert Walford, Farthing, 0.60g/12h (N 1300; BW. 208) [6]. Second good fine, third and fifth fine, fourth poor, others fair (£30-5o)
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of British Tokens formed by Eileen Judson.
Thomas Hughes (†1686), saymaker; Clement Pask, mercer; John Unwin, clothier; Robert Walford, yeoman
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