Special Collections

Sold on 16 December 2003

1 part


The Jack Webb 1914 Star Collection

Jack Webb


№ 600


16 December 2003

Hammer Price:

1914 Star, with copy clasp (loose) (2265 Pte. C. W. Andrew, 9/High. L.I.) extremely fine £150-200

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Jack Webb 1914 Star Collection.

View The Jack Webb 1914 Star Collection


M.C. London Gazette 26 July 1917. 2nd Lt. (Temp. Lt.) Charles Wood Andrew, R.F.A., Spec. Res. ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When engaged in moving his gun up they came under heavy shell fire. The gun had to be temporarily abandoned eight times before it could be got into position. His courage and coolness were largely responsible for completing this difficult task before daylight.’

Bar to M.C.
London Gazette 8 March 1919, citation 4 October 1919. Lt. (A. Capt.) Charles Wood Andrew, M.C., R.F.A. (S.R.), attd. 50th Bde. ‘Near Vichte, on 22nd October 1918, he brought his battery up in close support of the brigade, which was attacking Hill 50. He rode forward to reconnoitre under close machine-gun fire, and brought his battery into action and engaged hostile machine guns, thus enabling the division on the left to get forward. He then greatly assisted in the final successful assault on Hill 50 by his splendid co-operation and handling of his guns.’

Charles Wood Andrew served as a Private in the 9th Battalion Highland Light Infantry, entering the France / Flanders theatre of war on 5 November 1914. He was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the R.F.A. on 2 September 1915 andf attained the rank of Major on 15 October 1918.