Special Collections

Sold between 12 February & 12 June 1991

3 parts


The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals

Captain Kenneth John Douglas-Morris, R.N. D.L.


№ 345


16 October 1996

Hammer Price:

India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Burma 1885-7 (2nd Engr. David Shaw, I. F. Co’s Str. Ashley Eden) two small edge bruises and marks to obverse bust, otherwise very fine and rare

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals.

View The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals


The ASHLEY EDEN (Captain J. Cooper) was selected by the Indian Government to deliver an ultimatum to King Thibaw in Mandalay in October 1885. Captain Cooper was ordered to deliver the ultimatum to the King himself, and to wait, with banked fires, not later than 5 November for an answer.

The ASHLEY EDEN left Mandalay with the King’s response and on her way down river was fired on, although war had not yet been declared, by the various forts. She arrived in Rangoon on 9 November. As the answers were not satisfactory, war was declared on King Thibaw and the whole of the Company’s flotilla fleet was requisitioned by the Government for the expedition. During the war that followed the Company’s Steamers were used to carry 9,467 men, 77 guns and related stores.