Special Collections

Sold between 12 February & 12 June 1991

3 parts


The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals

Captain Kenneth John Douglas-Morris, R.N. D.L.


№ 670


16 October 1996

Estimate: £900–£1,200

Distinguished Service Medal, G.V.R. (CH.16851 Cpl. F. W. Hemmings, R.M.L.I. H.M.S. Astræa. Cameroons 5-6 Nov. 1915); British Empire Medal (Civil) G.VI.R. (Frederick W. Hemmings); 1914-15 Star Trio (Sgt., R.M.L.I.); Defence Medal, light contact marks, otherwise very fine and better (6)

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals.

View The Douglas-Morris Collection of Naval Medals


D.S.M. London Gazette 1 January 1917 “The following awards have been approved.”

On 5 November 1915 a French column advanced from Campo along the Ngat road, the British protecting their communications and transport; the French marched to Njabesan in order to gain touch with Colonel Meillour at Amban. The Naval force of Seamen and Marines at Moloko was reinforced by some British troops, and made a demonstration along the Bipe Road. They engaged a hostile force at Mbula on the 5th and occupied the place on the following day; on this day they occupied the enemy's camp at Metum after slight opposition and then returned to Moloko. Corporal F. W. Hemmings (Chatham) and Lance-Corporal A. C. Rutland (Chatham), were awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for their conduct, when the small force of native troops and Royal Marines captured Mbula and Metum. There were only 3 D.S.M.’s awarded for these operations in the Cameroons.

B.E.M. (Civil)
London Gazette 1 January 1946: Frederick William Hemmings, General Foreman General Electric Company Limited. The award is understood to have been made in recognition of his services in connection with war work at the General Electric Company Limited.