Special Collections

Sold on 27 September 1994

1 part


Medals to the Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment from the Collection of Mr Donald Hall

Mr Donald Hall


№ 52


27 September 1994

Hammer Price:

A Western Front D.C.M. group of four awarded to Sergeant J.R. Ogden, West Riding Regiment

DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL, G.V.R. (9488 Sjt., 2/W. Rid. R.); 1914 MONS STAR (L.Cpl., 2/W. Rid. R.); BRITISH WAR AND VICTORY MEDALS (Sjt.) good fine (4)

D.C.M., London Gazette, 3 September 1918: 'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in temporary command of a platoon. The troops on his flank were held up by a heavy barrage and he was under machine-gun fire from a house, but he nevertheless led his platoon straight to their objective. At night he showed conspicuous ability in consolidating the ground won. He set his men a splendid example by his own behaviour.'

Sergeant J.R. Ogden, a native of Halifax, landed in France on 2 September 1914, as a member of the 4th Reinforcement draft and he joined the 2nd Bn. on 23 September, being posted to A Company. The battalion was at this time involved in the latter stages of the battle of the Aisne. His D.C.M. was awarded in May 1918, almost certainly for gallantry during operations in the Bois de Pacaut on 15 April 1918.