Special Collections

Sold between 19 June & 13 March 2002

2 parts


The Preston-Morley Library of Token Books

Peter Preston-Morley


№ 1079


19 June 2002

Hammer Price:

The Peter Preston-Morley Library of Token Books, Williamson, G.C., Trade Tokens Issued in the Seventeenth Century, London, 1889-91, xli + 1584pp + Addenda, Errata and Corrigenda, some engraved illustrations, copy no.132 [6]. Decorated green leather and ribbed spine with gilt lettering by W. Dresser & Sons, bookbinders, Darlington; a fully interleaved set bound in six volumes, with pencil checkmarks indicating tokens in the Macfadyen collection, many annotations in the hand of Francis Baker and notes on tokens of different counties, mostly from SNC and SCMB, pasted-in, plus some photographic illustrations; binding rather rubbed and spines of two volumes rather shaky, but nevertheless internally very fine and an attractive set (£150-200)

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Preston-Morley Library of Token Books.

View The Preston-Morley Library of Token Books


Ex libris Frank E. Macfadyen;
Francis E. Baker;
bt from F.E. Baker 1977.

Edition of 250 copies