Special Collections

Sold between 24 June & 25 September 2008

4 parts


Long Service Medals from the Collection formed by John Tamplin

John Michael Alan Tamplin


№ 143


26 March 2009

Hammer Price:

Volunteer Force Long Service (India & the Colonies), G.V.R. (Voltr. G. H. Kennedy, 1st Bn. B.B. & C.I. Ry. Voltr. Rfls.), officially engraved naming, good very fine £60-80

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, Long Service Medals from the Collection formed by John Tamplin.

View Long Service Medals from the Collection formed by John Tamplin


Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway Volunteer Rifles

Kennedy first appears in Thacker’s Indian Directory in 1915, being listed as Chief Engineer in the Engineer’s Office (Construction) at Parel, Bombay. He was subsequently employed by the Agent’s Department in Bombay, originally as a 2nd Assistant Secretary, but ultimately as Secretary, having gained steady advancement throughout the 1920s and 1930s - he last appears in Thacker’s in 1941. Kennedy, who also received the Delhi Durbar Medal in 1911, on the recommendation of the Railway Board, was awarded the Indian Volunteer Force Long Service Medal in IAO 86 of 1 March 1915; sold with brief research.