Special Collections

Sold on 28 November 2001

1 part


The Preston-Morley Buckinghamshire Collection: Tokens

Peter Preston-Morley

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№ 999


29 November 2001

Hammer Price:

17th Century, West Wycombe, Thomas Leech, Halfpenny, 1667, lion rampant to left, 1.64g/6h (Berry & Morley 189; BW. 168). Legend partly weak and metal fault in centre of reverse, otherwise fine, very rare; the only issue for this locality (£70-100)

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Preston-Morley Buckinghamshire Collection: Tokens.

View The Preston-Morley Buckinghamshire Collection: Tokens


Found in the River Thames, 1987;
bt N Clark October 1990.

Thomas Leech (†1696), churchwarden; his first wife’s name was A–––– and his second wife’s name was Phyllis