Special Collections

Sold on 16 April 2020

1 part


A Collection of Medals formed by the Reverend Canon Nigel Nicholson, OStJ, DL

Reverend Canon Nigel Nicholson, OStJ, DL

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№ 162


16 April 2020

Hammer Price:

Three: Able Seaman R. Nicholson, Royal Navy, who was killed in action at the Battle of Jutland, 1 June 1916, when H.M.S. Black Prince exploded and sank with all hands

1914-15 Star (SS.4191 R. Nicholson, A.B., R.N.) in named card box of issue; British War and Victory Medals (SS.4191 R. Nicholson. A.B. R.N.) in named card box of issue; Memorial Plaque (Robert Nicholson) in card envelope; Memorial Scroll ‘AB Robert Nicholson H.M.S. Black Prince’; together with a miniature Jutland Memorial Medal,
extremely fine (4) £400-£500

Robert Nicholson (also spelt Nicolson) was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on 16 January 1892, and joined the Royal Navy on 25 January 1913. Promoted Able Seaman on 9 March 1914, he joined the cruiser H.M.S. Black Prince on 21 April 1914, and served in her during the Great War. He was killed in action at the Battle of Jutland on 1 June 1916: during the late afternoon and night of 31 May the Black Prince had lost touch with the main fleet, and at about 00.15 on 1 June she found herself 1,600 yards from ships of the German 1st Battle Squadron. Illuminated by searchlights, several German battleships then swept her with fire at point blank range. Unable to respond, she burst into flames and four minutes later after a terrific explosion she sank with all hands - 37 officers, 815 ratings, and 5 civilians. Nicholson is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.

Sold with Buckingham Palace enclosure for the Plaque; a photograph of H.M.S.
Black Prince; and postcards of Admirals Jellicoe and Beatty.