Special Collections

Sold between 3 November & 3 June 2020

2 parts


The Antony Scammell Collection of Roman Coins

Antony Scammell

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№ 121


3 June 2020

Hammer Price:

Roman Republican Coinage, Denarii (3), Q. Marcius Philippus, c. 129, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Macedonian horseman right, 3.91g (Craw. 259/1; RSC Marcia 11); Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, c. 128, Denarius, helmeted head of Roma right, ear of corn behind, rev. Victory in biga right, man attacking lion below, 3.88g (Craw. 261/1; RSC Domitia 14); C. Servilius Vatia, Denarius, c. 127, head of Roma right, lituus behind, rev. horseman galloping left and spearing another horseman before him, 3.73g (Craw. 264/1; RSC Servilia 6) [3]. Nearly very fine £100-£150

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Antony Scammell Collection of Roman Coins.

View The Antony Scammell Collection of Roman Coins
