The Peter Stanton Collection of Paper Money of Guernsey
Peter Stanton
Peter Stanton was born at a nursing home in Northampton on St. Patrick's Day in 1930, just a few miles away from his Father's farm in North Buckinghamshire. He still looks upon that picturesque countryside as the centre of the World. The river Ouse bounded the farm and on it was a boat house, from where he learned to row at an early age. Little did he know that years later and several miles down the Ouse he would row for three years in the first VIII of Bedford School and go on to win three gold medals at Henley Regatta.
He became Head of the School and later during the two years of compulsory National Service he was the senior under Officer of the Officers Cadet Squadron at Aldershot. He became a good friend of his sergeant-major, the formidable RSM Britain (the most senior sergeant-major in the British army) who taught Peter to bark out his commands like a cannon blasts away. But you would not know it today. Later he joined Shell International as an executive in the Far East. To this day he is absorbed by the politics in the world of oil. Living in Singapore he spent several happy years shooting clay pigeons in the Singapore Gun Club and winning silver spoons which to this day crop up in the cutlery!
Eventually Peter and his family returned to farm in Devon and in 1974 they moved to Guernsey where he established an oil company. At that time he began his collection of Guernsey paper money which over the years has given him much enjoyment as he relished the challenge of the chase of the more elusive issues.
Peter has three sons, who are the best of friends yet live as far as possible from each other! David in Worcester, lan in Montevideo and Paul in Hong Kong. Yet they get together regularly. But time marches on and Peter is selling his collection for he is no longer a young man. But should you meet him, he remains passionate about the financial future of the Far East!
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