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27 June 2002
Starting at 10:00 AM
Grand Connaught Rooms 61 - 65 Great Queen St London WC2B 5DA
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Three: Petty Officer T. Reed, Royal Navy Army of India 1799-1826, 1 clasp, Ava (Ordy. Sean., H.M.S. Champion), long hyphen reverse, officially engraved naming; China 1842 (Petty Offr., H.M.S. Jupiter); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Sail Maker, H.M.S. Collingwood, 24 Yrs.), edge bruising and contact wear, otherwise generally very fine and rare (3) £800-1000
Hammer Price: £1,900
Three: Captain’s Coxswain R. Whitebread, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria (R. Whitebread); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C. Medal, V.R., wide suspension (Capns. Coxn., H.M.S. Racoon, 20 Yrs.); St. Jean d’Acre 1840, cast silvered copy, polished, fine or better (3) £300-400
Hammer Price: £430
Three: Sailmaker J. West, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria (John West); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Sailmr., H.M.S. Curacoa, 20 Yrs.); St. Jean d’Acre 1840, cast silvered copy, very fine and better (3) £400-500
Hammer Price: £520
Five: Master at Arms W. Jordan, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria (William Jordan); Crimea 1854-56, 2 clasps, Inkermann, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Mr. at Arms, H.M.S. Exmouth, 22 Yrs.); St. Jean d’Acre 1840, bronze, unnamed as issued; Turkish Crimea 1855, British issue, unnamed as issued, edge bruising and minor contact wear, generally good very fine (5) £550-650
Hammer Price: £780
Three: Chief Gunner’s Mate C. Tolfree, Royal Navy China 1842 (Petty Offr., H.M.S. Herald), surname spelt ‘Tollfree’; Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C. Medal, V.R., wide suspension (Chf. Guns. Mate, H.M.S. Calcutta, 21 Yrs.), one or two edge bruises, generally good very fine or better (3) £400-450
Hammer Price: £600
Pair: Sergeant R. Urquhart, Royal Marines Arctic Discoveries 1818-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Sergt., R.M., H.M.S. Donegal, 21 Yrs.), one or edge bruises, very fine and better (2) £400-500
Hammer Price: £1,400
Five: Captain of the Fore’castle G. Parr, Royal Navy South Africa 1834-53 (Boy 1st Class); Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; China 1857-60, two clasps, Canton 1857, Taku Forts 1858, unnamed as issued; New Zealand 1845-66, reverse undated (Cox. Launch, H.M.S. Niger, 1860-61); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Capn. of the Forecasle., S.G., H.M.S. Excellent, 20 Yrs.), the fourth renamed, one or two edge bruises and minor contact wear, generally very fine or better (5) £550-600
Hammer Price: £1,100
Pair: Captain of the Main Top G. Mussell, Royal Navy India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Pegu (Captn. M. Top, “Serpent”); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Capt. M.T., H.M.S. Majestic, 22 Yrs.), one or two edge bruises, good very fine or better (2) £300-350
Hammer Price: £410
Four: Blacksmith J. Franks, Royal Navy India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Pegu (Armr., “Fox”); Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Abyssinia 1867-68 (Blksmith, S.M.S.(sic) Satellite); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Blacksmth., H.M.S. Satellite, 20 Yrs.), generally good very fine (4) £500-600
Pair: Captain of the Fore’castle W. Lyne, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Cap. For. Cas., H.M.S. Superb, 21 Yrs.), one or two edge bruises, very fine and better (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £260
Pair: Naval Schoolmaster C. T. Oliver, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Navl. Schoolmr., H.M.S. Cambridge, 22 Yrs.), the first with pawnbroker’s mark to left of claw, contact wear, very fine or better (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £340
Pair: Chief Boatman in Charge G. Farrow, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Chf. Btmn. in Charge, H.M. Coast Gd., 32 Yrs.), edge nicks, good very fine (2) £200-250
Pair: Quarter-Master C. Fullerton, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Qr. Mr., Rl. Naval Barks., 20 Yrs.), edge nicks, good very fine (2) £200-250
Four: Captain of the Hold G. Dilnot, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55 (George Dilnot, H.M. Ship Algiers), contemporary engraved naming; Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (George Dilnot, H.M. Ship Algiers), contemporary engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Capt. Hold, H.M.S. Queen, 21 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, British issue (G. Dilnot), contemporary engraved naming, good very fine (4) £300-350
Hammer Price: £500
Six: Chief Yeoman of the Signals C. H. Spence, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; New Zealand 1845-1866, reverse dated 1860-1861 (Yeon. Signals, H.M.S. Iris); Abyssinia 1867-68 (Chf. Yeo. Signs., H.M.S. Octavia); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Chf. Yeo. Sig., H.M.S. Zealous, 20 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, British issue, unnamed as issued, the first two with contact wear, about very fine, the remainder good...
Hammer Price: £1,500
Three: Captain of the Mizen Top J. A. Brown, Royal Navy Baltic 1854-55, unnamed as issued; China 1857-60, 1 clasp, Canton 1857, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C. Medal, V.R., wide suspension (Capt. of the Mizen Top, H.M.S. Euphrates, 20 Yrs.), good very fine (3) £250-300
Hammer Price: £390
Pair: Quarter-Master F. English, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (F. English, A.B., H.M.S. Vulcan), contemporary engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Qr. Mr., H.M.S. Liverpool, 20 Yrs.), the first with edge bruising and contact wear, very fine, the last good very fine (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £280
Pair: Sick Berth Steward M. Townley, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (Mattw. Townley, Sick Bth. Attent., H.M.S. Vengeance), contemporary re-engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Sick Berth Stewd., H.M.S. Wellesley, 27 Yrs.), the first with edge bruising and contact wear, about very fine, the last good very fine (2) £150-200
Hammer Price: £420
Pair: Chief Boatswain’s Mate D. Edwards, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (A.B.), officially impressed naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Chf. Boatsns. Mate, H.M.S. Rl. Adelaide, 20 Yrs.), one or two edge bruises, good very fine (2) £250-300
Pair: Admiral’s Coxswain W. Walker, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 2 clasps, Sebastopol, Azoff (Wm. Walker, H.M.S.V. Ardent), contemporary engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Admirls. Coxn., H.M.S. Agincourt, 21 Yrs.), edge bruising, therwise generally very fine (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £470
Pair: Yeoman of the Store Rooms R. Nixon, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (Robt. Nixon, Rope Maker, H.M.S. Curacoa), contemporary engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Yeon. Store Rooms, H.M.S. Basilisk, 20 Yrs.), edge bruising and contact wear, generally very fine (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £380
Three: Carpenter’s Mate W. Adams, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 2 clasps, Inkermann, Sebastopol (Caulker), officially impressed naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Carprs. Mte., H.M.S. Pembroke, 20 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, Sardinian issue, unnamed as issued, one or two edge bruises, good very fine (3) £350-400
Three: Corporal J. Blackman, Royal Marines Light Infantry Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (J. Blackman, R.M.L.I.), contemporary re-engraved naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Corpl., R.M.L.I., H.M.S. Victoria & Albert, 21 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, British issue (John Blackman, R.M.L.I.), contemporary re-engraved naming, good very fine (3) £180-220
Hammer Price: £400
Four: Caulker J. Burns, Royal Navy Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol (J. Burns, Caulker, H.M.S. Furious), contemporary engraved naming; Indian Mutiny 1857-59, 1 clasp, Lucknow (Caulker, Shannon); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Caulkr., H.M.S. Racoon, 20 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, Sardinian issue (J. Burns, Caulker, H.M.S. Furious), contemporary engraved naming, the first with refixed suspension claw, good very fine (4) £550-650
Four: Private D. Batson, Royal Marines Crimea 1854-56, 3 clasps, Balaklava, Sebastopol, Inkermann (R.M.), officially impressed naming; China 1857-60, 1 clasp, Canton 1857 (D. Batson, R.M.L.I.), irregular impressed naming; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Pte., R.M., 42nd Coy., 22 Yrs.); Turkish Crimea 1855, British issue (D. Batson, Po. D., R.M.L.I.), irregular impressed naming, the second with (slack) refixed suspension and traces of brooch-mounting, about very fine or...
Pair: Chief Quarter-Master J. Bew, Royal Navy China 1857-60, no clasp, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Chf. Qr. Mr., H.M.S. Victoria, 23 Yrs.), surname and rank corrected on the last, good very fine (2) £120-160
Hammer Price: £190
Pair: Coxswain of Launch T. Doig, Royal Navy China 1857-60, 2 clasps, Fatshan 1857, Canton 1857, unnamed as issued; Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Coxns. Launch, T.M., H.M. Reserve, 20 Yrs.), minor contact wear, good very fine (2) £200-250
Hammer Price: £370
Four: Ship’s Cook S. Fairhead, Royal Navy China 1857-60, no clasp, unnamed as issued; Canada General Service 1866-70, 1 clasp, Fenian Raid 1866, a later unnamed specimen; Ashantee 1873-74, no clasp (Ship’s Cook, H.M.S. Barracouta, 73-74); Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Ship’s Cook, H.M.S. Barracouta, 20 Yrs.), the first with repaired suspension and all with contact wear and edge bruising, good fine (excepting the later specimen) (4) £250-300
Pair: Sergeant-Major J. Morrison, Royal Marines Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Serjt. Major, Chatham Divn., R.M., 21 Yrs.); Royal Marine Meritorious Service Medal, V.R. (Sergeant Major, Royal Marines), the first with edge bruising and contact wear, good fine, the second very fine and scarce (2) £500-600
Hammer Price: £1,300
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Charles Fowling, Cap. Coxsn., H.M.S. Caledonia, 23 Yrs.), minor official correction to rank, edge nicks and slight contact wear, very fine £100-120
Hammer Price: £160
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Thos. Longhurst, Cox. Launch, H.M.S. Trafalgar, 21 Yrs.), suspension carriage slightly bent, good very fine £120-140
Hammer Price: £210
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (John Edwards, Bo. Mate, H.M.S. Queen, 22 Yrs.), suspension carriage slightly bent, edge bruising and contact wear, about very fine £120-140
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Joseph Haynes, Col. Ser., R.M., Portsmouth Div., 21 Yrs.), officially re-engraved from unit onwards, edge nicks and minor contact wear, very fine £80-100
Hammer Price: £680
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension, dated 1848 below bust (Philip Webb, C. of L., H.M.S. Bellerophon, 21 Ys.), suspension carriage slightly bent, one or two edge bruises, very fine and rare £600-800
Hammer Price: £1,200
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Edwd. Eastcott, A.B., H.M.B. Express, 22 Yrs.), edge nicks and light traces of pawnbroker’s mark by suspension claw, good very fine £120-140
Hammer Price: £220
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (George Dowrick, A.B., H.M. Brig Linnet, 25 Yrs.), edge nicks and minor contact wear, otherwise very fine £120-140
Hammer Price: £230
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Thomas Neville, Coxswain of Pinnace, H.M.S. Meander, 23 Yrs.), edge nicks and minor contact wear, good very fine £120-140
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Jas. Hoskins, Capt. Aft. Gd., H.M.S. Hastings, 26 Ys.), edge bruising and contact wear, nearly very fine £120-140
Hammer Price: £170
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (Wm. Mackett, Qr. Mr., Waterloo, 22 Ys.), edge nicks, good very fine £120-140
Royal Navy L.S. & G.C., V.R., wide suspension (John Bradley, Bo. Mate, H.M.S. Blenheim, 23 Ys.), edge bruising, very fine £120-140
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