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17 September 1997
Starting at 1:00 PM
The Arts Club 40 Dover St London W1S 4NP
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43 lots found
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Gallo-Belgic issues, Imported CELTIC Coinage, Gallo-Belgic A, Ambiani, gold Quarter Stater, head of Apollo, reverse horse right, flower below, 1.76gm (VA 15; S. 2). Typical broad flan, obverse fair, reverse fine (£80-120)
Hammer Price: £110
Channel Islands, Armorica, billon Stater, class II, bust right with pointed nose and floral decoration around, reverse horse right, remains of boar below, 6.64gm (McCammon p.16, figs e and f; S. 13). Good fine (£40-60)
Early Uninscribed issues, Early Uninscribed series, British B, ‘Chute’ type, gold Stater, abstract head of Apollo, reverse disjointed horse left, ‘crab’ below, 6.12gm (BMC 50; VA 1205; S. 20). Very fine (£120-150)
Hammer Price: £150
Early Uninscribed issues, Early Uninscribed series, British O, ‘Geometric’ type, gold Quarter Stater, large crescent and uncertain shaped objects, reverse cross motif, 1.34gm (BMC 410; VA 143; S. 49). An excellent example on a large, full flan, very fine (£90-120)
Tincomarus, Southern Region, Atrebates and Regni, Tincomarus, gold Quarter Stater, tablet inscribed TIN, reverse boar left, 1.16gm (BMC 828; VA 379; S. 90). Very fine or better and nicely centred (£120-150)
Hammer Price: £140
Eppillus, Southern Region, Atrebates and Regni, Eppillus, silver Unit, Calleva [Silchester], crescent dividing REX CALLE, reverse eagle, EPP, 0.97gm (BMC 1016; VA 415; S. 96); Epaticcus, silver Unit, bust right, EPATI in front, reverse eagle on snake, 1.04gm (BMC 2024; VA 580; S. 113). [2]. Very fine, first better but broken in half (£30-40)
Hammer Price: £35
Verica, gold Quarter Stater, tablet inscribed COMF, reverse horse right, VI above, pellet border, 1.18gm (BMC 1214; VA 467; S. 100). Minor striking splits in edge, obverse very fine, reverse extremely fine and nicely centred (£140-160)
Uninscribed issues, South West, Durotriges, uninscribed silver Quarter Stater, large crescent, reverse geometric pattern, 1.29gm (BMC 2736; VA 1242; S. 61). Very fine (£40-50)
Ecen, East Anglia, Iceni, Ecen, silver Unit, double crescent motif, reverse horse right, pellets and ornaments around, traces of inscription below, 1.26gm (BMC 4198; VA 730; S. 275). An exceptional specimen, extremely fine and practically as struck (£50-70)
Hammer Price: £55
Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Primary types, series BII, Kentish, diademed bust right, no legend, reverse bird on cross, annulets at horizontal ends, cross in field, 1.25gm (Rigold, BNJ XXX, pl.iii, 10/i; N. 127; cf. S. 777A). Very fine, light grey tone (£90-120)
Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental Series E, Frisian, degraded bust right resembling a ‘porcupine’, reverse standard with VICO, 0.78gm (N. 45; S. 790). Small flan, very fine, dark tone (£35-50)
Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Early Anglo-Saxon Period, Sceatta, Continental Series D, type 2c, bust right with pseudo Runes in front, reverse plain cross with pellets in angles, legend around, 1.16gm (cf. Metcalf 168; N. 168; S. 839). Good very fine with an excellent bust (£50-70)
Hammer Price: £80
Eanred (810-c.854), Kings of Northumbria, Eanred (c.810-54), Stycas (2), FORDRED, copper, 1.07gm, HERRED, base silver, 0.88gm (N. 186; S. 859-60); Æthelred II (First reign: c.854-8), Styca, ALGHERE, 0.99gm (N. 187; S. 861); (Second reign: c.858-62), Styca, EARDVVLF, 0.99gm (N. 190; S. 864). [4]. Last about extremely fine, others about very fine or better (£50-70)
Hammer Price: £90
Osberht (c.862-867), Kings of Northumbria, Osberht (c.862-7), Styca, MONNE, 1.05gm (N. 191; S. 865); Archbishops of York, Wigmund (837-54), Styca, EDELHELM, 0.99gm (N. 196; S. 871). [2]. First fine, second very fine (£40-50)
Hammer Price: £65
Ceolnoth (833-870), Archbishops of Canterbury, Ceolnoth (833-70), Penny, Gp. I, Biarnred, tonsured bust facing, CIALNOD ARC, reverse BIORNMOD MONET around DORO CIV monogram, 1.34gm (SCBI Mack 660, this coin; N. 241; S. 893). About very fine, rare (£400-600)
Hammer Price: £580
Burgred (852-874), Kings of Mercia, Burgred (852-74), Penny, Middle Period, type A, Heawulf, bust with horizontal band, HEAVVLF MONETA, lunettes unbroken, 1.35gm (N. 423; S. 938). About very fine (£110-130)
Danish E Anglia: St Edmund, Viking Invaders, St Edmund Memorial Coinage (c.895-910), Penny, Risleca, SC EADIMVND’ R+ around A, reverse RISLECA NOE around cross pattée, 1.29gm (N. 483; S. 960). Very fine and toned, rare of this moneyer (£120-150)
Hammer Price: £160
Vikings in York: Cnut, Viking Invaders, York Coinage (c.895-902), Penny, ‘Cunnetti’ type, CVN NET TI around small cross pattée with two pellets, reverse CNVT REX around arms of patriarchal cross, 1.38gm (L & S C1/CRG; N. 501; S. 993). ‘Cuerdale’ patina, good very fine (£120-140)
Hammer Price: £210
Æthelwulf (839-858), Kings of Wessex, Æthelwulf (839-58), Penny, Phase 2, Portrait type, Canterbury, Diar, new diademed bust right, EDELVVLF REX, reverse DIAR MONETA, cross-crosslet with plain angles, 1.24gm (N. 610; S. 1047). Fine, rare (£150-180)
Hammer Price: £260
Æthelberht (858-c.865), Kings of Wessex, Æthelberht (858-66), Penny, Inscribed Cross type, Maninc, bust right, AEDELBEARHT REX, reverse MANI:NC MONETA on and between limbs of beaded cross, 1.10gm (N. 620; S. 1053). Chipped and cracked, obverse fine, reverse very fine (£100-150)
Edward the Elder (899-924), Penny, Two Line type [HT1], Tila, TILA MONETA divided by three crosses, small cross divides two trefoils of pellets above, single trefoil of pellets below, 1.56gm (CTCE 277; N. 649; S. 1087). About very fine, reverse better, toned (£150-200)
Hammer Price: £240
Æthelstan (924-939), Æthelstan (924-39), Penny, Two Line type [HT1: North Eastern I], Winele, PINELE MO divided by three crosses, trefoil of pellets above and below, coarse lettering, 1.49gm (Blunt 408; N. 668b; S. 1089). Weakly struck in parts, otherwise about very fine, toned (£150-200)
Hammer Price: £220
Eadred (946-955), Eadred (946-55), Penny, Two Line type [HT1: North Eastern], Theodmær, reads EADRED REX F, reverse DEODMAER¯M divided by three crosses, trefoil of pellets above and below, 1.42gm (CTCE 98; N. 706; S. 1113). Fine (£90-110)
Hammer Price: £120
Eadwig (955-959), Eadwig (955-9), Penny, Two Line type [HT1, North Eastern variety, probably struck at York], Heriger, two crescents at end of obv. legend, reverse HERIGER MO, pellet in centre line of reverse,1.15gm (CTCE 68; Pheatt 490, same rev. die; N. 724; S. 1122). Minor edge cracks, fine, scarce (£90-120)
Eadgar (959-975), Eadgar (959-75), Penny, Two Line type [HT1 North Eastern V], Benethiht, BENEDIHT divided by three crosses, trefoil of pellets above and below, 1.12gm (CTCE 32; SCBI Mack 798, same rev. die; N. 741; S. 1129). Edge chipped, otherwise fine, scarce moneyer (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £50
Eadgar (959-975), Eadgar, Penny, Reform Portrait type, York, Wulfric, WVLFRIC· M¯O EFERP, 1.61gm (N. 752; S. 1141). About fine, very rare (£250-300)
Hammer Price: £420
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor (1042-66), Penny, Hammer Cross type, Chichester, Wulfric, PVLFRIC ON CICEIT, 1.30gm (HHK 124; Freeman 38; ‘Sussex Mints’ 24, this coin; N. 828; S. 1182). Some verdigris and reverse lacquered in the past, otherwise very fine (£100-120)
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Penny, Hammer Cross type, Hastings, Duninc, dvninc· on hÆst, pellet in first quarter, 1.31gm (HHK 126; Freeman 38, this coin listed; ‘Sussex Mints’ 82, same dies; N. 828; S. 1182). Very fine, portrait better, attractive olive tone (£110-130)
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Penny, Hammer Cross type, Lewes, Oswold, ospold: on LÆPE:, 1.34gm (HHK 263; Freeman 128; ‘Sussex Mints’ 158, same dies; N. 828; S. 1182). Forehead flat, otherwise good fine, toned (£70-90)
Hammer Price: £100
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Penny, Facing Bust type, Cambridge, Sæcolf, sÆcol on graniv, 0.95gm (Jacob 446, same dies; Freeman 79; N. 828; S. 1182). Tiny edge chip at 3 o’clock, otherwise about very fine, toned (£90-120)
Hammer Price: £75
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Penny, Facing Bust type, Wallingford, Brand, brand on palin, 1.13gm (Freeman 29; N. 828; S. 1182). Obverse very double-struck, reverse very fine (£50-70)
Hammer Price: £95
William I (1066-1087), William I (1066-87), Penny, Two Stars type, Wallingford, Sweartlinc, SPEORTNC ON PIIL, 1.23gm (SCBI Mack 1389, this coin; N. 845; S. 1254). Good fine, toned, rare (£150-180)
William I (1066-1087), William I, Penny, PAXS type, Norwich, Ulfchitel, VLFCITEL O NORD[–], 1.40gm (Doubleday 777, same obv. die; N. 848; S. 1257). Fine (£70-90)
William II (1087-1100), Penny, Cross Voided type, London, Ælfwine, IILFPINE ON LIII, 1.32gm (N. 853; S. 1260). Good fine, toned (£200-250)
Hammer Price: £380
Henry I (1100-1135), Henry I (1100-35), Penny, Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury type, London, Baldwine, BALDE[––––]N: LVN:, 1.26gm (N. 871; S. 1276). Irregular shape and with edge chip, otherwise fine and toned (£60-80)
Stephen (1135-1154), Stephen (1135-54), Penny, Cross Moline type, York, Autgrim, AVT[––––]: ON: EV[––], 1.40gm (Mack 42a; N. 873; S. 1278). Legends partly flat, otherwise fine or better, lightly toned (£50-70)
Henry II (1154-1189), Henry II (1154-89), Penny, ‘Tealby’ type, Canterbury, uncertain moneyer, bust A, [––––––]N: CAND, 1.28gm (N. 952; S. 1337). Fair (£15-25)
Hammer Price: £20
Henry II (1154-1189), Henry II, Penny, Short Cross series, York, type 1b, Willem, WILLEM · ON · EVER, 1.35gm (N. 963; S. 1344); Richard I, Penny, London, type 3b, Ricard, RICARD · ON · LVND, 1.42gm (N. 967; S. 1347A); John, Penny, Winchester, type 5b2, Adam, ADAM · ON · WINC, 1.41gm (N. 970; S. 1351); Henry III, Penny, Short Cross series, London, type 6b1, Ravf, RAVF · ON · LVNDE, 1.32gm (N. 975; S. 1354) [4]. Fine to very fine (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £130
Henry III (1216-1272), Henry III (1216-72), Penny, Long Cross series, London, Vg, RENAVD, 1.27gm (N. 997; S. 1373); Edward III, Third ‘Florin’ Coinage, Penny, London, type 1a, reads EDW, Lombardic Ns, 1.19gm (N. 1113; S. 1543); other Pennies of Edward I-II (3) [5]. First two fine, others nearly so (£40-50)
Hammer Price: £45
Henry IV (1399-1413), Henry IV (1399-1413), Light Coinage, Penny, York, m.m. cross pattée on obv. only, annulet on breast and as stops on reverse, 0.87gm (N. 1364; S. 1734). Only fair but very rare (£60-90)
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