Auction Catalogue

27 August 2020

Starting at 10:00 AM


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№ 704


27 August 2020

Hammer Price:

Co Durham, DARLINGTON, A[lbert] H[ill] C[lub], yellow plastic 1 Pint (G p.11); Borough, Concessionary Travel, brass (2) (G p.12); Cleveland Bridge Engineering Co Ltd, octagonal brass, stamped 87, Canteen, brass Penny, 22mm (G p.11); Corporation, Gas Works Dept, brass, stamped 9 (G p.11); Corporation, Workmans’ Number, brass (3), stamped 13, 544, 734 (G p.13); County Borough, plastic Twopence-Halfpenny, Twopence, Threehalfpence (3, different), Pennies (2, different), Halfpenny (G pp.13-14); County Borough, Transport, plastic Fivepence (2), Fourpence-Halfpenny, Threepence-Halfpenny, Threepence (2), Twopence-Halfpenny (G p.12); Darlington East End Club, brown plastic 1 Pint, 26mm (G –); D[arlington] R[ailway] P[lant] & F[actory] Ltd, brass Penny and Halfpenny (G pp.13-14); Darlington Street Railroad Co Ltd, oval brass (2) (G p.14); D[arlington] T[rades and] U[nionist] C[lub], rectangular plastic Pint (G p.14); Darlington Volunteer Club, brass Threehalfpence (G p.14); D[arlington] W[agon] & E[ngineering] Co Ltd, uniface brass, stamped 22, oval brass (G p.14); Darlington W[omen’s] V[oluntary] S[ervice], uniface aluminium (3, two varieties) (G p.14); Thomas Dobson, brass, 1872 (W 1515; G p.14); Fox’s, brass Eightpence (G p.14); Friendly Societies’ Medical Association, uniface brass, stamped 65, 50mm (G –); The North of England School Furnishing Co Ltd, brass (8, three varieties, including patent), one with back initialled JAH (G p.16), white fibre, 33mm (G –); North Road Canteen, plastic (4, different) (G p.15); Ord & Maddison Ltd, brass (G p.15); Patons & Baldwins [Halifax], brass (2), stamped 1073, 1122 (G p.15); H[enry] P[ease] & Co Ltd, brass (2), stamped 161, 618, aluminium (2), stamped 344, 600, zinc, stamped 588 (G pp.14-15); A.R. Poole & Sons Ltd, brass nameplate, 72mm; [British] R[ail] A[thletics] C[lub], zinc, stamped 1st team (G p.15); R[ailway] I[nstitute], yellow plastic 1 Pint (G p.15); C. Stabler, Durham Load, uniface brass, 36mm (G –); Stooperdale Canteen, plastic (6, four variants) (G p.16); Streetwise Club, Disco Dance 14-17, heptagonal paper, 30mm (G –); Trademarket, brass (2), stamped 07390, 10396 (G p.18); Whessoe Ltd, uniface brass, stamped 9 (G p.17); Working Men’s Stores, bronze Half-Pound (G p.17) [76]. Generally fine to very fine, some better, Dobson very rare; a comprehensive city group £200-£400