Auction Catalogue
KENT, Chatham, Richard Jenman, Farthing, 0.91g/6h (N 2443; BW. 96), Francis Sanders, Farthing, 1.15g/6h (N 2448; BW. 106); Chilham, James Odden, Halfpenny, 1664, 1.63g/6h (N 2457; BW. 113); Dartford, Henry Peirce, Farthing, 1.17g/12h (N 2466; BW. 137); Deal, William Brothers, Halfpenny, 1669, 1.39g/3h (N 2471; BW. 145), James Coston, Farthing, 1653, 1.20g/6h (N 2474; BW. 148), Thomas Parksoen, Farthing, 1658, 0.60g/6h (N 2477; BW. 154), John Pittock, Farthing, 1656, 1.10g/6h (N 2481; BW. 156), Peter Underwood, Farthing, 1.08g/6h (N 2487; BW. 161); Dover, Borough Farthing, [16]68, 1.06g/12h (N 2505; BW. 199), Halfpenny, 1668, 1.30g/12h (N 2507; BW. 198) [11]. N 2505 very fine, N 2443, 2448 and 2507 fine, others in varied state, N 2466 pierced £80-£100
The majority with old Baldwin tickets
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