Auction Catalogue

17 January 2024

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

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№ 306 x


17 January 2024

Hammer Price:

A fine Second War ‘Tobruk’ M.M. group of six awarded to Corporal G. Guthrie, 2nd Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment, for his gallantry during the capture of ‘Dalby Square’ on 23 November 1941 during Operation Crusader; he subsequently served with Orde Wingate’s Second Chindit Expedition, Operation Thursday, in 1944

Military Medal, G.VI.R. (4645714 Cpl. G. Guthrie. Y. & L.R.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Burma Star; Defence and War Medals 1939-45, mounted court-style for display, good very fine and better (6) £1,200-£1,600

M.M. London Gazette 24 February 1942:
‘In recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Middle East.’

The original Recommendation, dated 21 December 1941, states: ‘On 23 November 1941, during operations outside Tobruk, Corporal Guthrie was commanding a Mortar detachment in a Bren Carrier supporting the attack by a rifle Company on an enemy post, when about 500 yards from the objective the company came under very heavy Machine Gun and Mortar Fire. The Carrier was turned sideways to enable the mortar to come into action behind it; whereupon it immediately came under heavy and accurate Machine Gun Fire. In spite of this Corporal Guthrie immediately proceeded to unload the mortar and ammunition himself and got his mortar into action. When short of bombs he made several journeys to the enemy side of the carrier to obtain more bombs although the enemy fire had not been subdued. During the whole operation Corporal Guthrie maintained his mortar in action and by his coolness and disregard of the enemy fire set a excellent example to the men under his command.’
The Recommendation additionally endorsed by the Brigadier Commanding 14th Infantry Brigade: ‘Recommended for an immediate award of the Military Medal for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty under fire.’

George Guthrie attested for the York and Lancaster Regiment, and served with the 2nd Battalion during the Second World War initially in North Africa. He was awarded the M.M. for his gallantry on 23 November 1941, on which date “B” Company, 2nd Battalion, under Captain Northover, was given the task of capturing ‘Dalby Square’, a large enemy post on the western side of Tobruk. ‘The attack was across flat country devoid of cover. The enemy put up a very strong resistance. He was holding his post with a large number of machine guns and light automatics, which his defensive artillery fire was intense and accurate. About 400 yards from the objective “B” Company was held up. Two Bren carriers with 3-inch mortars were then brought forward, and using the carriers as cover, both detachments opened up on the enemy. This had the immediate effect of reducing the enemy’s small-arms fire. “B” Company then advanced again and rushed the position with the bayonet.’ (Regimental History refers).

After serving in the Western Desert, Guthrie proceeded to India and saw further service with the 2nd Battalion as part of Orde Wingate’s second Chindit Expedition, Operation Thursday, in early 1944; the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment was part of 65 and 84 Columns.

Sold with copied research.