Auction Catalogue

17 July 2024

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

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№ 72


17 July 2024

Hammer Price:

Family Group:

An outstanding Great War ‘Dewdrop Trench 1916’ D.C.M. and ‘Sensee River 1917’ M.M. group of five awarded to Corporal C. E. Read, 1st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, who died of wounds in December 1917
Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.V.R. (10444 L. Cpl. C. E. Read. 1/Middx: R.); Military Medal, G.V.R. (10444 Cpl. C. E. Read. 1/Midd’x: R.); 1914-15 Star (G-10444. Pte. C. E. Read, Middx. R.); British War and Victory Medals (G.10444 Cpl. C. E. Read. Midd’x R.) together with Memorial Plaque (Charles Edward Read) contact marks and polished, otherwise nearly very fine

Three: Private George Read, 12th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, who killed in action at Thiepval in September 1916
1914-15 Star (G-3232 Pte. G. Read. Middx. R.); British War and Victory Medals (G-3232 Pte. G. Read. Midd’x R.) together with Memorial Plaque (George Read) good very fine

Four: Ernest J. Read, 1/8th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, who was invalided home with gas poisoning at Ypres April 1915, and later rejoined in the Labour Corps
1914-15 Star (2362 Pte. E. J. Read, Middx. R.); British War and Victory Medals (2362 Pte. E. J. Read. Midd’x R.); Defence Medal, unnamed, nearly very fine (14) £2,800-£3,400

D.C.M. London Gazette 21 December 1916:
‘For conspicuous gallantry in action at DEWDROP TRENCH on the 28th October 1916. He showed marked courage and skill in the capture of a strong point, which contained a machine gun and was causing many casualties.’

M.M. London Gazette 18 June 1917:
‘West of the SENSEE River on 23rd April, the 33rd Division took part in a general attack at 4.45 a.m. only the flank portions of its line reached their objectives. The centre of the Division was met with most determined resistance. After several hours fighting, our centre was driven back to its starting point. The troops on our left did not appear. Our flank troops, who had gained the objective, consisted of officers and men of the 1st Middlesex Regt., and the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, at first about 170 strong. They were completely isolated, about 1200 yards from our original line, and about the same distance from our right flank in the HINDENBURG LINE. When the enemy found nothing to the left of our left, he sent strong forces behind them, and attacked these companies from flank and rear - he also reinforced his original centre - “We were taking prisoners in front and being attacked from behind” as one wounded man described it.
A hurried attack was made by the Division from the original line at 6 p.m. without much immediate success. The artillery barrage for this attack passed over our isolated troops, of whom no news had been received.
Fighting continued during the night all along our lines, but the enemy was evidently very unsettled, for he retired in haste about 4 a.m., 24-4-1917, leaving rifles, ammunition, mine warfare and equipment in large quantities.
Our centre at once advanced and found our isolated groups holding their positions stoutly.
The gallant conduct of this man, together with others, directly influenced the retirement of the enemy.’ (Official account of action for which M.M. was awarded provided by the War Office to his next of kin in August 1920 refers)

Charles Edward Read attested for the 1st Middlesex Regiment on 10 May 1915, at Hounslow and landed in France on 30 September 1915. He won the D.C.M. for his actions during the capture of Dewdrop Trench when the 1st Battalion suffered 208 casualties in killed, wounded and missing. He won the M.M. for his actions during the battle of Arras on 23 April 1917. Lance-Corporal Read died of wounds on 7 December 1917, aged 20, and is buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, south west of Poperinghe.

Sold with 33rd Division Gallantry Cards for both awards, these dated 28 October 1916 and 23 April 1917 respectively, together with War Office copies of the ‘official account of the deeds for which the Distinguished Conduct Medal and Military Medal were awarded to the late Lance-Corporal C. E. Read, 1st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment’, dated 13 August 1920, together with two news cuttings and copied research.

George Read served in France from 25 July 1915, and was killed in action in the attack on Thiepval Ridge on 26 September 1916. He is commemorated by name on the Thiepval Memorial.

Sold with copied research.

Ernest J. Read served in France from 9 March 1915, until invalided home with gas poisoning during the second battle of Ypres, 24 April 1915. He later returned to France and served with the Labour Corps. During the Second War he served as a Civil Defence Warden.

Sold with named transmission card for Defence Medal ribbon and CD cloth Warden’s badges, together with a white metal Silver Jubilee Medal issued by Middlesex County Council and copied research.