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11 December 2002
Starting at 12:00 PM
Grand Connaught Rooms 61 - 65 Great Queen St London WC2B 5DA
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Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), both Long Cross type, class VI, Bury St Edmunds, Ion, 1.45g/6h; class VII, London, Phelip, 1.46g/1h (N 1001-2; S 1377-8) [2]. Nearly very fine (£70-90)
Hammer Price: £90
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, Long Cross type, class VII, London, Phelip, 1.45g/9h (N 1002; S 1378). Very fine, toned (£100-120)
Hammer Price: £110
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, New coinage, class Ia, Lombardic ns, wedge after hyb, rev. single-barred Roman ns, 1.42g/3h (cf. SCBI North 19; N 1010; S 1380). Very fine, toned, very rare (£500-550)
Hammer Price: £450
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), all class Ic, obvs. with normal Roman ns (2), 1.40g/9h, 1.23g/2h, and reverse-barred ns, 1.37g/12h, all with wedge after angl and reverse-barred ns on rev. (N 1012; S 1382) [3]. Second fine, others very fine but last with small striking split (£70-90)
Hammer Price: £120
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), class Ic variety with bust of Id, 1.43g/8h (N 1012 var.; S 1382 var.), class Id/Ic mule, crown with two pearls, reversed ns both sides, 1.43g/10h (N 1019/1018; S 1383/1382) [2]. First very fine, second nearly so, both extremely rare (£140-160)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), both class Id, London, face 3, reversed ns, rev. reads lonlon, second n reversed, 1.40g/12h; annulet below bust (Abbot of Reading’s die), rev. first n reversed, 1.17g/11h (N 1013; S 1383-4) [2]. First very fine and toned, second fine only and plugged but rare (£60-70)
Hammer Price: £75
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), both class IIa, London, faces two and three, both with left petal of central fleur broken, ns reversed, 1.44g/9h, 1.35g/9h (cf. SCBI North 49-50 and 52; N 1014; S 1385) [2]. Very fine and nearly so (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £140
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), all class IIb, Bristol, early crown with scrolls to fleurs, 1.23g/10h; Canterbury, rev. a of can over t, 1.37g/4h; Durham, Bp. de Insula, 1.23g/1h (cf. SCBI North 71/72), all with reversed ns (N 1015; S 1416, 1419, 1422) [3]. Last fine, others very fine (£70-90)
Hammer Price: £60
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (4), class IIb (3), London (2), both with early crown, scrolls to fleurs, 1.45g/3h, 1.43g/7h; York (Royal), stem of central fleur broken, 1.41g/10h, all with reversed ns (N 1015; S 1386, 1429); IIb/III mule, London, rev. normal ns, 1.33g/8h (cf. SCBI North 62; N 1015/1016; S 1386/7) [4]. First two very fine, others fine, last rare (£90-120)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class IIIa, London, bifoliate crown, 1.39g/7h (cf. SCBI North 77; N 1016; S 1387). Obverse legend weak in places, but better than very fine with a well struck portrait (£80-100)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (5), class IIIb (4), Canterbury, 1.47g/1h; Durham, Bp. de Insula, 1.21g/11h; London, 1.43g/12h; York (Royal), 1.42g/6h (N 1017; S 1388, 1419, 1422, 1429); class IIIbc, London, crown with pearls but neck of IIIc, 1.44g/9h (cf. SCBI North 93; N 1017/1; S 1388/9) [5]. Second fine, others very fine or better, second and last rare (£180-200)
Hammer Price: £150
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (4), all class IIIc, Bristol (2), 1.46g/6h, 1.40g/9h; Canterbury, 1.41g/6h; Durham, Bp. de Insula, 1.35g/2h (N 1018; S 1416, 1419, 1422) [4]. Last about fine, others very fine (£80-100)
Hammer Price: £70
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (5), all Bury St Edmunds, Robert de Hadelie, class IIIc, 1.37g/3h (Tatler dies A/a1), class IIId, 1.35g/3h (dies C/c2), class IIIg (3), 1.39g/9h (dies S/s1), 1.30g/6h (dies D/d1), 1.25g/4h (dies G/g2; N 1018-19, 1022; S 1417) [5]. Fine or nearly so (£150-180)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (5), all class IIIc, Lincoln (2), 1.36g/12h, 1.26g/9h; London, 1.40g/9h; York Royal (2), 1.34g/3h, 1.23g/7h (N 1018; S 1389, 1427, 1429) [5]. Fine to very fine (£90-110)
Hammer Price: £170
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (7), all class IIId, Bristol (2), 1.40g/3h, 1.37g/4h; Canterbury, 1.23g/11h; Lincoln (2), 1.42g/3h, 1.30g/6h; London (2), 1.42g/9h, 1.32g/12h (N 1019; S 1390, 1416, 1419, 1427) [7]. Fine to very fine (£160-180)
Hammer Price: £210
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (6), all class IIIe, Durham, Bp. de Insula (2), 1.38g/10h, 1.35g/4h; Newcastle, 1.42g/3h; York (3), Royal, 1.40g/7h, Ecclesiastical (2), quatrefoil on breast, 1.30g/9h, no quatrefoil, 1.43g/11h (N 1020; S 1422, 1428-30) [6]. Very fine or nearly so (£160-180)
Hammer Price: £200
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (4), all class IIIf, Bristol, damaged crown, 1.41g/1h (cf. SCBI North 147-8); Canterbury, 1.36g/12h (cf. SCBI North 149-50); London (2), 1.46g/11h, 1.43g/4h (N 1021; S 1392, 1416, 1419) [4]. Second fine, others very fine or nearly so (£100-120)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), all class IIIg, Bristol (2), stops 2 and 5, 1.37g/6h, 1.33g/7h; Canterbury, stops 2, 1.26g/3h, all with s3 (N 1022; S 1416, 1419) [3]. Very fine or nearly so (£60-80)
Hammer Price: £50
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (5), all class IIIg, Chester, crown 1, stops 4, 1.36g/1h; Durham, Bp. de Insula, crown 2, stops 1, 1.41g/1h (cf. SCBI North 183); Lincoln, crown 2, stops 1, 1.43g/6h (cf. SCBI North 187); London (2), crown 1, stops 1 and 3, 1.34g/1h, 1.35g/8h, last with s2, others with s3 (N 1022; S 1393, 1420, 1422, 1427) [5]. First fine, others very fine (£100-120)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), all Bury St Edmunds, Robert de Hadelie, class IVa, 1.42g/3h (Tatler dies I/i2); class IVb (2), 1.41g/5h, 1.44g/6h (dies O/o1, P/p1; N 1023-4; S 1417) [3]. Fine or better (£120-150)
Hammer Price: £100
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (6), all class IVa, Canterbury (3), 1.44g/3h, 1.41g/4h, 1.37g/6h; London (3), 1.45g/6h, 1.33g/7h, 1.31g/7h (N 1023; S 1394, 1419) [6]. Fine to very fine (£90-110)
Hammer Price: £130
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (4), all Durham, class IVa, Bp. de Insula (2), unbarred n in angl, 1.39g/7h (cf. SCBI North 214-15), closed es both sides, 1.35g/6h (cf. SCBI North 216); classes IVb and IVc, both Bp. Bek, mm. cross moline both sides, 1.32g/1h, 1.39g/5h (cf. SCBI North 234, 243; N 1023-5; S 1422-3) [4]. Fine to very fine (£120-150)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class IVb, Durham, Bp. Bek, mm. cross, rev. cross moline in second quarter, 1.19g/3h (cf. SCBI North 231; N 1024; S 1424). Fair to fine, rare (£50-70)
Hammer Price: £55
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (4), all class IVb, Canterbury, 1.40g/7h; London (3), 1.42g/12h, 1.41g/1h, 1.38g/4h (N 1024; S 1395, 1419) [4]. Very fine or nearly so (£70-90)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (6), class IVc (4), Canterbury (2), 1.41g/11h, 1.40g/3h; London (2), 1.45g/3h, 1.40g/9h; class IVd (2), Canterbury, 1.39g/3h; London, 1.40g/5h (N 1025-6; S 1396-7, 1419) [6]. Fine to very fine (£90-110)
Hammer Price: £190
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (5), class IVe/IVc mule, London, 1.31g/1h; class IVe (4), Canterbury, 1.40g/5h, London (3), 1.45g/7h, 1.42g/6h, 1.35g/9h (N 1027/1025, 1027; S 1398/1396, 1398, 1419) [5]. Mostly very fine, first rare (£120-150)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (3), class Va (2), Canterbury, 1.36g/10h, London, 1.40g/1h (cf. SCBI North 270); class Va/Vb mule, London, 1.32g/3h (N 1028, 1028/1029; S 1399, 1399/1400, 1419) [3]. Fine to very fine, last very rare (£120-150)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class Vb, Bury St Edmunds, 1.36g/1h (cf. SCBI North 283; N 1029; S 1418). Obverse double-struck, nearly very fine, very rare (£90-110)
Edward I (1272-1307), Pennies (2), both class Vb, Canterbury, 1.40g/6h, and London, 1.40g/5h (cf. SCBI North 275, 278; N 1029; S 1400, 1419) [2]. First about very fine, second better (£100-120)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class Vb, Durham, Bp. Bek, mm. cross moline both sides, 1.26g/10h (cf. SCBI North 281-2; N 1029; S 1423). Fine to very fine, very rare (£80-100)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIa, London, 1.34g/2h (cf. SCBI North 287-8; N 1030; S 1401). Very fine, rare (£120-150)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIb/Vb mule, Canterbury, 1.36g/12h (Sharman and Harris, SCMB 1977, pp.130-1, fig.1, this coin; SCBI North 297a, this coin; N 1031/1029; S 1419). Very fine, believed the only known specimen (£180-220)
Hammer Price: £440
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIb/Vb mule, London, 1.40g/12h (SCBI North –; N 1031/1029; S 1402/1400). Legends weak in places, otherwise very fine, very rare (£80-100)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIb, Durham, Bp. Bek, mm. cross moline both sides, n of angl double-barred, 1.47g/10h (cf. SCBI North 298; N 1031; S 1423). Good very fine, very rare (£150-200)
Hammer Price: £240
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIb, London, spade shaped face, n of angl double-barred, 1.38g/1h (cf. SCBI North 296; N 1031; S 1402). Very fine, rare (£70-90)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIIa, Canterbury, rose on breast, ns double-barred, 1.23g/3h (cf. SCBI North 308-9; N 1032; S 1419). Some corrosion, obverse field lightly tooled and reverse double-struck, otherwise very fine, very rare (£80-100)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIIa, London, rose on breast, ns double-barred, 1.42g/7h (cf. SCBI North 304; N 1032; S 1403). Good very fine (£80-100)
Hammer Price: £160
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIIb, Canterbury, no rose on breast, 1.43g/2h (cf. SCBI North 319-20; N 1033; S 1419). Very fine, extremely rare (£120-150)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIIb, London, rose on breast, double-barred ns, rev. composite s, 1.43g/5h (cf. SCBI North 315; N 1033; S 1404). Rim chipped between 10 and 12 o’clock and face slightly double-struck, otherwise very fine, rare (£70-90)
Edward I (1272-1307), Penny, class VIIb, London, as last but from different dies, 1.37g/4h (cf. SCBI North 315; N 1033; S 1404). Tiny striking split at two o’clock, otherwise very fine, rare (£80-100)
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