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18–20 September 2018
Starting at 10:00 AM
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Anglo-Gallic, Edward III, Gros tournois au léopard au dessus, cross, leaf between a and n of anglie, rev. châtel containing crescent between two pellets, leopard above, leaf between a and n of aqvitanie, 1.67g/9h (W 69E; E 62h). On a very small flan, nearly very fine £100-150
Hammer Price: £170
Anglo-Gallic, Edward III, Blanc au léopard sous couronne, 1.47g/3h (W 59; E 67); together with other Anglo-Gallic coins (5), Edward III to Henry VI [6]. Varied state £100-120
Hammer Price: £150
Anglo-Gallic, Edward III, Blanc au léopard sous couronne, six-pointed star below leopard, 1.38g/4h (W 59E; E 67j). Good fine £150-200
Hammer Price: £200
Anglo-Gallic, Edward III, Piédfort Blanc au léopard sous couronne, m below leopard, 6.19g/11h (W –; E 67x). Fair to fine, extremely rare £200-300
Hammer Price: £320
Anglo-Gallic, Edward III, Deniers au leopard (3), trefoil in exergue, 0.85g/3h, q above and e below (2), 0.92g/3h, 0.69g/9h; Denier au lion, Poitiers, lion right, p below, 0.85g/12h (W 115B, 120, 138; E 95d, 100, 114) [4]. Fine or better, last rare but very weak on obverse £100-150
Anglo-Gallic, Edward the Black Prince (1362-72), Hardis d’argent (2), Limoges, mint letter on obv., 0.93g/5h; La Rochelle, mint letter after cps, 1.02g/12h (W 227A, 231B; E 204, 206a); together with a base Denier of Poitiers (?) [3]. First two good fine or better, last fair £120-150
Hammer Price: £130
Anglo-Gallic, Henry VI (1422-50), Grand Blanc aux écus, Le Mans, mm. root, reads benedictvm, 2.62g/2h (W 402A; E 285a). Nearly very fine, scarce £200-260
Hammer Price: £550
Anglo-Gallic, Henry VI, Grand Blancs aux Écus (4), Paris, mm. crown, 2.90g/2h; Rouen (2), both mm. leopard, 3.00g/7h, 2.95g/4h, St Lô, mm. lis, 3.11g/6h (W 405A, 406A, 407A; E 279, 287, 288) [4]. Fine or better; identified in envelopes £150-200
Anglo-Gallic, Henry VI, Grand Blanc aux Ecus, St Lô, mm. lis, 3.10g/11h (W 407A; E 288). Good very fine £150-180
Hammer Price: £120
Early Anglo-Saxon period, Sceatta, series R, Epa, 1.11g/12h (Abramson 11-20; S 813); Henry VII, Penny, Sovereign type, no mm., 0.78g/6h (N 1726/1; S 2230); James I, First coinage, Halfpenny, mm. lis, 0.15g (N 2078; S 2651) [3]. Very fine £150-200
Early Anglo-Saxon period, Continental series E, Sceatta, porcupine-like figure, rev. debased standard, 1.37g (cf. S 790); together with an Edward II penny and Roman bronzes (3) [5]. Varied state £120-150
Archbishops of York, Wigmund (837-50), Styca, Coenred, 1.30g/10h (S 870; N 196); together with other Northumbrian Stycas (2) [3]. First good very fine, others good fine or better £100-120
Hammer Price: £100
Edward the Confessor, Cut Halfpenny, Expanding Cross type [Heavy issue], London, moneyer uncertain, [——] lvndene, 0.85g/6h (N 823; S 1177); together with other coins (6), mostly British Iron-Age [7]. First good very fine and toned, others in varied state £80-100
John, Penny, class Vb, London, Willelm L, willelm · l · on · lv, 1.43g/1h (N 970; S 1351); together with other Short Cross Pennies (6), of Canterbury (3), London (3) [7]. Good fine or better £180-220
Hammer Price: £260
Henry III, Short Cross coinage, Penny, class Ic, London, Raul, ravl · on · lvnde, 1.32g/4h (N 964; S 1345); Richard I, Penny, class IVb, London, Fulke, fvlke · on · lvnd, 1.39g/12h (N 968/2; S 1348C); John, Penny, class Vb, London, Ilger, ilger · on · lvnde, 1.37g/9h (N 970; S 1351) [2]. First two about very fine, last good fine £150-180
Hammer Price: £220
Henry III, Long Cross coinage, Penny, class IIb, Gloucester, Roberd, 1.43g/3h (N 985/1; S 1361A); other Pennies (5), from Canterbury, Lincoln, London (2) and Winchester, various classes; together with an Edward I Long Cross Penny, class VI, Bury [7]. Fine to very fine or better £150-180
Hammer Price: £280
Edward I, Pennies (2), both class 2b, Durham, 1.38g/12h, York, 1.39g/1h (N 1015; S 1422, 1429); other Edward I-II Pennies (13), various classes and mints, including Berwick, Bristol, Bury, Canterbury (5), Chester, Durham and London (3); together with London Farthings (2) [17]. Mostly fine or better £200-260
Edward I, Penny, class 9a, London, 1.37g/6h (N 1036; S 1407); other Edward I-II Pennies (13), various classes and mints, including Durham (3), Lincoln, London (6), Newcastle (2) and York; together with a Halfpenny, class 3c, London [15]. First good very fine and attractively toned, others mostly fine or better £200-260
Edward I, Penny, class 9b, London, 1.30g/3h (N 1037/1; S 1408); Elizabeth I, Sixth issue, Halfgroat, mm. hand, 0.96g/9h, Halfpenny, mm. tun, 0.17g (N 2016, 2018; S 2579); James I, Farthing, Harington type 2, mm. trefoil, 0.58g/6h (E 20a; S 2676); Commonwealth, Pennies (3), 0.44g/11h, 0.43g/3h, 0.27g/11h (N 2729; S 3222); together with other hammered coins, in silver (2), base metal (4) [13]. Generally fine, one or two better £100-150
Edward III, Pre-Treaty period, Groat and Halfgroat, both series E, York, mm. cross 2, lis on breast, 4.20g/4h, 2.04g/11h (N 1164, 1166; S 1572, 1582) [2]. First good fine, second a little better £100-150
Hammer Price: £160
Edward III, Pre-Treaty period, Groat, series F, London, mm. crown, 4.57g/6h (N 1174; S 1569); together with other Edward III coins (7), Pennies (4), of Durham, London and York (2), Halfpence (3) [8]. Fine to very fine £150-180
Hammer Price: £240
Edward III, Pre-Treaty period, Halfgroat, series D, London, mm. cross 1 broken, 2.18g/12h; Penny, mm. unclear, 1.04g/5h (N 1154, 1156; S 1575, 1585}; Richard II, Penny, York, no marks on breast, 1.10g/5h, Halfpenny, London, 0.46g/10h (N 1329c, 1331; S 1691, 1699) [4]. Varied state £120-150
Henry V, Pennies (2), both class F, mm. cross on obv. only, mullet to left, trefoil to right of crown, London, 0.78g/9h, York, 0.93g/5h; together with a class D Halfpenny of London [3]. Fine or better £80-100
Henry VI, Rosette-Mascle issue, Groat and Halfgroat, both Calais, mm. crosses II, V, 3.63g/2h, 1.78g/1h (N 1427-8; S 1836, 1839) [2]. Nearly very fine £120-150
Henry VI, Rosette-Mascle issue, Groat and Halfgroat, both Calais, mm. crosses IIIb/V, V, 3.63g/11h, 1.69g/10h (N 1446, 1448; S 1859, 1862) [2]. First about very fine, second good fine £120-150
Hammer Price: £180
Henry VI, Pinecone-Mascle issue, Groat, London, mm. crosses IIIb/V, 3.63g/8h; Halfgroat, Calais, mm. crosses IIIb/V, 1.76g/3h (N 1460, 1463; S 1874, 1877) [2]. About very fine, first with dark tone £100-150
Henry VI, Pennies (3), Halfpence (5), various issues and mints [8]. Mostly fine or better £120-150
Edward IV (First reign), Light coinage, Groat, York, class VIII, mm. lis, 2.52g/7h; Halfgroat, London, class VII, mm. crown, 1.48g/4h (N 1583-4; S 2012, 2016) [2]. Nearly very fine £120-150
Edward IV (Second reign), Penny, York, Abp Booth, mm. rose on obv. only, b and key by neck, quatrefoil in centre of rev., 0.68g/9h (N 1652; S 2132); Henry VII, Facing Bust issue, Penny, York, Abp Rotherham, mm. rose, t and cross by neck, rev. h in centre, 0.85g/10h (N 1721; S 2223). Both nearly very fine, but last small of flan £100-150
Henry VIII, First coinage, Penny, London, mm. portcullis, 0.79g/10h; Second coinage, Penny, Durham, Bp Tunstall, mm. star on obv. only, cd by shield, 0.67g/8h (N 1773, 1813; S 2328, 2354); together with a Halfpenny, mm. arrow [3]. Good fine to very fine, but first perforated and slightly double-struck on obverse £100-120
Henry VIII, Second coinage, Halfgroats (2), both Canterbury, Abp Warham, mm. cross patonce, wa by shield, 1.31g/9h, Abp Cranmer, mm. Catherine wheel, tc by shield, 1.34g/2h (N 1802, 1804; S 2343, 2345) [2]. Nearly very fine £120-150
Hammer Price: £300
Henry VIII, Posthumous coinage, Penny, Canterbury, no mm., facing bust, 0.54g/12h (N 1887; S 2422); together with other silver coins of Henry VIII (3), from Bristol and York (2) [4]. First nearly very fine with a strong portrait, others in varied state £120-150
Edward VI, Third period, 3 oz issue, base Penny, York, mm. mullet, 0.56g/12h (N 1946; S 2475); together with other hammered silver coins (9), Edward IV to Charles II [10]. Varied state £150-200
Hammer Price: £190
Mary, Groats (2), both mm. pomegranate, 1.99g/5h, 1,98g/11h (N 1960; S 2492) [2]. Fair to fine £100-120
Hammer Price: £140
Elizabeth I, Fourth issue, Threehalfpence, 1573, mm. acorn, bust 3G, 0.68g/6h (N 2000; S 2569); together with other minor Elizabethan coins (12), various denominations and mintmarks [13]. First good fine or better, others in varied state, one pierced £200-260
Hammer Price: £340
Elizabeth I, Seventh issue, Shilling, mm. 1, bust 6B, 5.78g/10h (N 2014; S 2584); together with other Elizabeth I Shillings (3), Sixpences (4), various mintmarks [8]. Varied state £200-260
James I, Second coinage, Halfgroat, mm. cinquefoil, 0.81g/12h (N 2105; S 2660); together with other Halfgroats (2), Pennies (3), Halfpence (3) of James I, various mintmarks [9]. First better than very fine, others in varied state £120-150
Charles I, Tower mint, Halfgroat, Gp B, mm. plume, 1.09g/1h (N 2250; S 2824); together with other Charles I coins in silver (8), base metal (3), all different [12]. Varied state £180-220
Charles I, Tower mint, Halfgroats (6), type 2b, mm. plume on obv. only (S 2825), type 3, mm. harp (S 2829), type 3a1, mm. crown (S 2831), type 3a3, mm. triangle (S 2832), type 3a3, mm. (p) (S 2833), type 3a7, mm. sceptre (S 2836); Pennies (8), type 1, mm. two pellets on obv., pellet on rev. (S 2837), type 1a, mm. two pellets (S 2838), type 2a1, mm. rose (S 2842), type 3.3, mm. two pellets (S 2846), type 3a1 (2), mm. bell, three pellets (S 2847), type 3a3, mm. two pellets (S 2849), type 3a2,...
Charles I, York mint, Threepence, mm. lion, 1.35g/9h (N 2323; S 2877); together with other minor provincial coins (3), from Aberystwyth, Exeter and Oxford [4]. First good fine, others in varied state and pierced £150-200
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