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18 September 2024
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Roman Republican Coinage, M. Tullius, Denarii (3), all 120 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Victory driving quadriga right, wreath above, 3.64g/7h, 3.72g/8h, 3.53g/2h (Ghey 75.1-3, these coins; Craw. 280/1); M. Furius L.f. Philus, Denarius, 119 BC, laureate head of Janus, rev. Roma crowning trophy, 3.67g/9h (Ghey 76, this coin; Craw. 281/1) [4]. Fine to very fine, but several with banker’s marks £80-£100
Hammer Price: £180
Roman Republican Coinage, L. Pomponius Cn. f. serrate Denarii (2), both 118 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. warrior driving biga right, 3.56g/3h, 3.63g/4h (Ghey 77-8, these coins; Craw. 282/4-5); Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Denarius, 116/5 BC, similar, rev. Jupiter driving quadriga right, 3.54g/4h (Ghey 79, this coin; Craw. 285/1); Q. Curtius and M. Silanus, Denarii (2), both 116/5 BC, types similar, 3.64g/8h, 3.62g/10h (Ghey 80.1-2, these coins; Craw. 285/2) [5]. Fair to fine, most with...
Roman Republican Coinage, M. Sergius Silus, Denarii (5), Rome, 116/5 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. horseman left, holding sword and severed head in left hand, 3.66g/6h, 3.46g/4h, 3.59g/5h, 3.56g/5h, 3.62g/7h (Ghey 81.1, 81.3, 82.1-3, these coins; Craw. 286/1) [5]. Fair to fine, first with banker’s marks £60-£80
Hammer Price: £160
Roman Republican Coinage, Anonymous, Denarii (2) both 115/4 BC, helmeted head of Roma, right, x behind, rev. Roma standing right on pile of shields, she-wolf and twins before, 3.39g/8h, 3.55g/9h (Ghey 83 and 2021 T655 add. 7, these coins; Craw. 287/1); M. Cipius M.f., Denarii (3), all 115/4 BC, similar, rev. Victory driving biga right, rudder below, 3.56g/7h, 3.62g/6h, 3.70g/10h (Ghey 84 and 85.1-2, these coins; Craw. 289/1); Mn. Aemilius Lepidus, Denarii (2), 114/3 BC, laureate female bust...
Hammer Price: £170
Roman Republican Coinage, Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancius and Q. Urbinius, Denarius Rome, 111/0 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. ap cl t mal q vr in exergue, above Victory riding triga right, 3.60g/3h (Ghey 89.3, this coin; Craw. 299/1a); together with others of similar type (9) [10]. Fair to fine, some with banker’s marks £90-£120
Hammer Price: £190
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Claudius Pulcher, Denarius, 110/9 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. c pvl[–] below Victory driving biga right, 3.63g/6h (Ghey 93, this coin; Craw. 300/1); L. Flaminius Chilo, Denarii (4), all 109/8 BC, similar, roma behind, x before, rev. l flami[–] / cilo below Victory driving biga right, 3.64g/1h, 3.66g/4h, 3.59g/4h, 3.50g/6h (Ghey 94.1-4, these coins; Craw. 302/1) [5]. Fair to fine, all with banker’s marks £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, Q. Lutatius Cerco, Denarius, 109/8 BC, cer[–] before helmeted head of Roma right, x crossed behind, rev. [–]vtati above galley in wreath, 3.67g/3h (Ghey 95, this coin; Craw. 305/1); Mn. Fonteius, Denarius, 108/7 BC, jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, rev. galley right, control mark s and three dots, 3.53g/12h (Ghey 96, this coin; Craw. 307/1d); L. Scipio Asiagenus, serrate Denarius, 106 BC, laureate head of Jupiter left, control mark · c behind, rev. l scip...
Hammer Price: £150
Roman Republican Coinage, Denarii (7), Rome, L. Thorius Balbus, Denarii (3) all 105 BC, head of Juno Sospita right, rev. l thorivs / balbvs below bull charging right, 3.65g/4h, 3.71g/7h, 3.67g/8h (Ghey 100-2, these coins ; Craw. 316/1); L. Appuleius Saturninus, Denarii (3), all 104 BC, helmeted head of Roma left, rev. l saturn in exergue, Saturn driving quadriga right, 3.74g/9h, 3.53g/9h, 3.85g/1h (Ghey 104-6, these coins; Craw. 317/3a-b); C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, 104 BC, similar, rev. c...
Hammer Price: £280
Roman Republican Coinage, Q. Minucius Thermus M. f., Denarius, 103 BC, helmeted head of Mars left, rev. Roman and barbarian soldier fighting, 3.62g/6h (Ghey 108.3, this coins; Craw. 319/1); L. Julius L.f. Caesar, Denarius, 103 BC, similar, rev. Venus driving biga of Cupids left, 3.69g/3h (Ghey 109, this coin; Craw. 320/1); M. Lucilius Rufus, Denarii (3), 101 BC, pv behind helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Victory driving biga right, 3.44g/6h, 3.67g (Ghey 112.1-3, these coins; Craw. 324/1);...
Hammer Price: £240
Roman Republican Coinage, D. Junius Silanus L. f., Denarii (9), Rome, 91 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, control mark e behind, rev. d silanvs [–] in exergue, Victory driving biga right, control mark xv above, 3.53g/7h (Ghey 124, this coin; Craw. 337/3); similar, control mark f, rev. control mark vi[–], 3.59g/7h (Ghey 119, this coin); similar, control mark h, rev. control mark xix, 3.69g/7h (Ghey 120, this coin); similar, control mark m, rev. control mark xxvi, 3.57g/7h (Ghey 121, this...
Hammer Price: £260
Roman Republican Coinage, L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, 90 BC, head of Apollo right, rev. horseman riding right with palm-branch in hand, 3.45g/7h (Ghey 128, 130, 131, 132 and 133, these coins; Craw. 340/1); C. Allius Bala, Denarius, 92 BC, bala before female head right, rev. c all[–] in exergue, Diana driving biga of stags right, grasshopper below, 3.63g/11h (Ghey 117, this coin; Craw. 336/1); A. Albinus Sp. f., 96 BC, roma below bust of Diana right, rev. three horseman charging left, fallen...
Roman Republican Coinage, Quintus Titius, Denarii (5), Rome, 90 BC, head of Liber right, rev. q titi in linear frame below Pegasus right, 3.71g/6h (Ghey 135.1, 135.3-5, these coins; Craw. 341/2); together with another of a similar type, bearded head wearing winged diadem right, 3.54g/9h (Ghey 134, this coin; Craw. 341/1) [5]. Fair to fine £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Vibius C. f. Pansa, Denarii (5), Rome, 90 BC, pansa behind head of Apollo right, rev. Minerva driving quadriga left, 3.47g/6h, 3.64g/5h, 3.77g/12h, 3.68g/9h, 3.67g/5h (Ghey 136-8, 139.1-2 these coins; Craw. 342/4-5) [5]. Fair to fine £80-£100
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Vibius C. f. Pansa, Denarii (6), Rome, 90 BC, head of Apollo right, rev. Minerva driving quadriga right, 3.66g/12h, 3.66g/6h, 3.33g/10h, 3.64g/8h, 3.51g/6h, 3.59g/2h (Ghey 139.3-8, this coin; Craw. 342/5b) [6]. About fine to fair £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Vibius C. f. Pansa, Denarii (6), Rome, 90 BC, head of Apollo right, rev. Minerva driving quadriga right, 3.75g/6h (Ghey 139.11, this coin; Craw. 342/5b; BMCRR 2244-79; cf. RSC Vibia 1); together others of similar type, (Ghey 139.10, 140.1, .2, .3 and .4, these coins) [6]. Fair to fine £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, L. Titurius L. f. Sabinus, Denarii (6), all 89 BC, head of King Tatius right, palm-branch before, rev. Rape of the Sabine women, 3.59g/9h, 3.62g/1h, 3.75g/3h (Ghey 142.1-2, 143 these coins; cf. Craw. 344/1b); similar, rev. Killing of Tarpeia, 3.59g/5h, 3.60g/2h, 3.47g/5h (Ghey 144, 145.1 and 146, these coins; cf. Craw. 344/2) [6]. Banker’s marks to most, otherwise fair £40-£60
Hammer Price: £140
Roman Republican Coinage, Cn. Lentulus Clodianus, Denarii (11), all 88 BC, helmeted bust of Mars right, rev. Victory driving biga right, 3.76g/1h (Ghey 147, 148.1-2, 149.1-2, 150.1-2, 151.1-3, 2021T655 add. no. 3, these coins; cf. Craw. 345/1) [11]. Banker’s marks to most, fair to fine £100-£150
Hammer Price: £200
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Marcius Censorinus, Denarii (7), Rome, 88 BC, jugate heads of Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcius right, rev. Desultor riding right, (Ghey 152-3, 154.1-3, these coins; cf. Craw. 346/1); together with other Denarii (2) by the same moneyer (Ghey 155.1 and 155.2, these coins) [7]. About fine to fair £80-£100
Hammer Price: £120
Roman Republican Coinage, Denarii (9), Rome, 87 BC, L. Rubrius Dossenus, Denarii (3), 87 BC, head of Jupiter right, rev. Victory driving triumphal quadriga right (Ghey 156.1, 156.3-4, this coin; cf. Craw. 348/1); together with others by the same moneyer (8); L. and C. Memmius L. f. Galeria, laureate head of Saturn left, rev. Jupiter driving biga right, 3.55g/6h (Ghey 160, this coin; Craw. 349/1) [9]. Third example double struck on both sides, banker’s marks to most examples, otherwise fair...
Roman Republican Coinage, Gargilius, Ogulnius and Vergilius, Denarii (8), Rome, 86 BC, head of Apollo right, thunderbolt below, rev. ver / gar og[–] below Jupiter driving quadriga right, control mark r above, (Ghey 161.1-4, 162, 163.1-2 and 403 these coins; cf. Craw. 350A) [8]. Fair to fine, several with banker’s marks £100-£150
Roman Republican Coinage, L. Julius Bursio, Denarii (6), all 85 BC, male head right, trident and control mark behind, rev. Victory driving quadriga right, (Ghey 165-9, these coins; cf. Craw. 352/1); M. Fannius and L. Critonius, Denarius, 86 BC, head of Ceres right, rev. two seated figures, 3.31g/5h (Ghey 164, this coin; Craw. 351/1); Mn. Fonteius, Denarius, 85 BC, laureate head of Apollo right, rev. Cupid on goat right, two pilei above, 3.55g/7h (Ghey 171.1, this coin; Craw. 353/1c);...
Roman Republican Coinage, C. Norbanus, Denarii (4), all 83 BC, head of Venus right, rev. corn-ear, fasces with axe and caduceus, 3.72g/9h, 3.59g/8h, 3.80g/1h (Ghey 175 and 177-9, these coins; cf. Craw. 357/1); C. Licinius L. f. Macer, Denarii (2), 84 BC, bust of Apollo seen from behind, turned left, thunderbolt in right hand, rev. Minerva driving quadriga right, 3.55g/3h, 3.64g/6h (Ghey 172 and 173, these coins; Craw. 354/1) [6]. Fair to fine, several with banker’s marks £100-£150
Roman Republican Coinage, P. Crepusius, Denarii (6), all 82 BC, head of Apollo right, rev. horseman brandishing spear right, (Ghey 179-183, these coins; cf. Craw. 361/1); L. Censorinus, Denarii (4), all 82 BC, head of Apollo right, rev. Marsyas walking right, column behind (Ghey 184, 185.1-3, these coins; cf. Craw. 363/1) [10]. Some examples with banker’s marks, otherwise fair to fine £100-£150
Hammer Price: £220
Roman Republican Coinage, Q. Antonius Balbus, serrate Denarius, 83-2 BC, head of Jupiter right, rev. Victory driving quadriga right, 3.55g/5h (Ghey 187, this coin; Craw. 364/1d); C. Annius, Denarii (2), 82-1 BC, female bust right, rev. similar, 3.58g/9h (Ghey 188, this coin; cf. Craw. 366/1); another similar, 3.74g/12h (Ghey 189, this coin; Craw. 366/2a); L. Sulla and L. Manlius Torquatus, Denarius, Military mint moving with Sulla, 82 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Triumphator driving...
Roman Republican Coinage, Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, Denarii (2), Rome, 81 BC, head of Pietas right, stork before, rev. imper in exergue, jug and lituus within laurel wreath border, 3.52g/2h, 3.68g/4h (Ghey 193.1-2, these coins; Craw. 374/2; BMCRR Spain 47-50; RSC Caecilia 44) [2]. Fair to fine £100-£150
Roman Republican Coinage, Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, Denarii (2), Rome, 81 BC, head of Pietas right, stork before, rev. q c m p [–] in exergue, elephant marching left, 3.62g/1h (Ghey 192.1, this coin; Craw. 374/1; BMCRR Spain 43-6; RSC Caecilia 43); together with another, similar, 3.56g/4h (Ghey 192.3, this coin) [2]. Fine £90-£120
Hammer Price: £340
Roman Republican Coinage, Lucius Procilius Filius, Denarii (3), Rome, 80 BC, s c behind laureate head of Jupiter, rev. l procili [–] downwards behind Juno Sospita standing right, wearing goat’s skin, throwing spear with right hand and holding shield in left, snake before, 3.77g/6h, 3.56g/6h, 3.70g/3h (Ghey 195-7, these coins; Craw. 379/1; BMCRR 3147-9; RSC Procilia 1) [3]. Fair to fine, banker’s marks £60-£80
Hammer Price: £90
Roman Republican Coinage, Marcus Volteius Marci Filius, Denarii (3), all 78 BC, draped, laureate and helmeted bust of Attis, mask of Pan control mark behind, rev. Cybele seated in chariot drawn by two lions right, 3.59g/6h, 3.72g/6h 3.65g/5h (Ghey 202-4, these coins; Craw. 385/4); L. Rutilius Flaccus, Denarius, 77 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Victory driving biga right, 3.43g/7h (Ghey 205, this coin; Craw. 387/1); L. Rustius, Denarius, 76 BC, helmeted head of Minerva right, rev. ram...
Roman Republican Coinage, Caius Egnatius Cn.f. Cn.n. Maxsumus, Denarii (2), Rome, 75 BC, maxsvmvs behind draped and diademed bust of Libertas right, pileus behind, rev. [–] egnavs [–] in exergue, cn n upwards right, Roma, holding staff and sword, foot on wolf's head, and Venus, holding staff and sceptre, standing facing, rudder standing on prow on either side, d left of Roma, 3.34g/3h, 3.81g/3h (Ghey 207.1-2, these coin; Craw. 391/3; RSC Egnatia 2a) [2]. Fair to fine, first with...
Roman Republican Coinage, Caius Postumius Tatius, Denarii (2), 74 BC, draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver over shoulder, rev. hound running right, spear below, 3.63g/6h, 3.57g/6h (Ghey 211.1-2, these coins; Craw. 394/1b) [2]. Fair to fine £30-£40
Hammer Price: £80
Roman Republican Coinage, Caius Postumius Tatius, Denarius, 74 BC, draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver over shoulder, rev. hound running right, spear below, 3.54g/12h (Ghey 210.2, this coin; Craw. 394/1a; BMCRR 3238-41; RSC Postumia 9); together with another, similar, 3.65g/6h (Ghey 212, this coin) [2]. Banker’s marks to Diana’s neck on first, both about fine £30-£40
Roman Republican Coinage, Marcus Plaetorius Marci Filius Cestianus, Denarii (2), Rome, 69 BC, young head of Bonus Eventus right, with long hair, control mark winged caduceus behind, rev. m plaetori cest ex s c downwards either side of winged caduceus upright, 3.48g/5h, 3.56g/5h (Ghey 218-9, these coins; Craw. 405/5; RSC Plaetoria 5) [2]. Fair to fine £60-£80
Hammer Price: £95
Roman Republican Coinage, Caius Hosidius Caii Filius Geta, Denarii (2), 68 BC, draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver over shoulder, rev. Boar standing wounded with spear piercing back, hound attacks from below, 3.59g/6h, 3.70g/6h (Ghey 221.1-2, these coins; Craw. 407/2; BMCRR 3388-92; RSC Hosidia 1) [2]. Banker’s marks to obverse of first example, both fair £30-£40
Hammer Price: £85
Roman Republican Coinage, Lucius Furius Brocchus, Denarii (3), Rome, 63 BC, iii vir brocchi around draped and wreathed head of Ceres right, corn ear behind, barley grain before, rev. l fvri cn f above curule chair, fasces on either side, 3.63g/6h, 3.71g/6h, 3.69g/6h (Ghey 227.1-3, these coins; Craw. 414/1; cf. BMCRR 3896-900; cf. RSC Furia 23-23a) [3]. About fine to fine £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, Lucius Scribonius Libo, Denarii (3), 62 BC, head of Bonus Eventus right, rev. Puteal Scribonianum, decorated with garland and two lyres, hammer at base, 3.84g/6h, 3.66g/6h, 3.60g/6h (Ghey 230.1-3, these coins; Craw. 416/1a; BMCRR 3377-80; RSC Scribonia 8a); together with another, 3.47g/6h (Ghey 229, this coin) [4]. Banker’s marks to two examples, first two fine, others fair £90-£120
Roman Republican Coinage, Marcus Nonius Sufenas, Denarii (2), Rome, 59 BC, svfenas s c around head of Saturn right, harpa and conical stone behind, rev. sex noni pr l p f around Roma, bare headed and draped, sitting left on a pile of armour, holding sceptre in right hand and sword in left, Victory standing behind crowning Roma with right hand and holding palm branch in left, 3.75g/5h, 3.61g/2h (Ghey 232.1-2, this coin; Craw. 421/1; BMCRR 3820-3; RSC Nonia 1) [2]. Discrete banker’s marks to...
Roman Republican Coinage, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus and Publius Plautius Hypsaeus, Denarii (2), Rome, 58 BC, m scavr aed cvr in two lines above, King Aretas kneeling right, holding olive branch in right hand and reins in left, rev. [–] aed cvr in two lines above, c hvpsae cos preiver in exergue, cap[–] right, Jupiter in quadriga left, throwing thunderbolt with right hand and holding reins in left, scorpion below horses’ feet, 3.65g/6h 3.72g/6h (Ghey 235 and 239, these coins; cf. Craw....
Roman Republican Coinage, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus and Publius Plautius Hypsaeus, Denarii (3), all 58 BC, King Aretas kneeling right, holding olive branch in right hand and reins in left, rev. Jupiter in quadriga left, throwing thunderbolt with right hand and holding reins in left, scorpion below horses’ feet, 3.67g/3h, 3.65g/4h, 3.61g/3h (Ghey 236-8, these coins; cf. Craw. 422/1) [3]. Fair to fine £40-£60
Roman Republican Coinage, Caius Serveilius Caii Filius, Denarii (2), Rome, 57 BC, flora primus before head of Flora wearing wreath of flowers, earring and necklace, lituus behind, rev. c serveil in exergue, c f in field, two warriors standing facing each other with short swords upright in right hands, shields in left with right soldiers facing, 3.30g/7h, 3.88g/7h (Ghey 240.1-2, these coins; Craw. 423/1; cf. BMCRR 3816-9; RSC Servilia 15) [2]. Fine and better £60-£80
Roman Republican Coinage, Lucius Marcius Phillipus, Denarii (4), Rome, 56 BC, diademed head of Ancus Marcus right, lituus behind, rev. a q v a [–] within an aqueduct with five arches, on which stands an equestrian statue with a flower below, phillipvs above, 3.80g/2h (Ghey 241.5, this coin; Craw. 425/1; BMCRR 3890-92; RSC Marcia 28); together with three of the same type, 3.50g/10h, 4.06g/5h and 3.68g/5h (Ghey 241.2, 241.7 and 2021 T655 add. 6, these coins) [4]. First example, graffito...
Hammer Price: £130
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